For free: Aerosoft Airport - Paderborn/Lippstadt (EDLP) for MSFS released!

Free airports are a great trend!

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I have to agree with this statement.

Thanks a lot for the information.

So does the Aerosoft .exe result in files in the Community folder or does it somehow amend Asobo’s library of airports? Just trying to figure out why they’ve used an exe and not just a bgl file?

This is where it all began for me…

As a young boy aged 11, I moved from the UK over to Germany and my first ever flight was taken on an Air Berlin 737-800.

This sparked my aviation love, as I would go back and forth to England from this airport

My sim life began in Germany near paderborn With fs2004 up to fsx, P3D and now I’m back in England on MSFS

I of course used aerosoft products during my time in Germany until one day I pull up to the airport for a flight back to England and go my amazement I see the wonderful Aerosoft Logo on the building next to the tower.

I was all that time living near to the HQ of the people who helped me realise my love for aviation and simming and now I have that wonderful airport in sim for free.

Thank you to AS :heart:

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Looks really good. Very encouraging to see these developers releasing free quality content. This one’s an absolute steal.

Great work!

Thanks for sharing!

Looks really good. Thanks!

After trying this add on I must say it is AMAZING!! It is top quality, as good as the best orbx can do and for free, thanks a lot to AS! :raised_hands:t2: :raised_hands:t2: :raised_hands:t2:

How to install this? I ran the exe. , the files installed in the community folder but I still see the default scenery…
Please help

That’s weird. I just ran the install exe and then it was working just fine. Try restarting your pc if you haven’t done it yet.

How do you uninstall this? 3.6gb for 1 random airport is too much.

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This answered my question. I was going to ask if that was a typo on their website. That is a massive file size for this airport. For comparison, Flightbeam Denver is 504 MB and LatinVFR Miami is 1.39 GB.

The reason is the huge CGL file which contains all data including a aerial image, which offers a far more better resolution then the default image in MFS. And MFS has 7 LODs!
Similar with the 2 Orbx products LOWZ, 1GB, and LOWI 3.46GB which has about the same size as Paderborn.
Unfortunately the SDK in its current state does not allow a real good compression.
And Flightbeams Denver does not contain an aerial image.

you have extract the zip and then you start .exe and it installs it automatically.
Automatically right ordners…

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Thanks for that. I’ll get it installed then.

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What are cgl files and why is a 3.4 GB one inside that add-on folder? Pretty sure the scenery isn’t 3.4 gigs… :thinking:

Edit: Is that some sort of updated aerial imagery?

And one more thing… is it just the Aerosoft scenery or are default houses also emulating people watching TV in the evening, since some of the windows will have varying intensities of blue light emitting? Never noticed this before. I mean, we’ve seen a lot, but this is insane. :star_struck: