Original Link: FOR FREE: Airport - Paderborn/Lippstadt for Microsoft Flight Simulator released! - New Releases and Updates - AEROSOFT COMMUNITY SERVICES
- Detailed recreation of Paderborn airport
- Custom aerial images covering the airport and surrounding area
- Current runway, taxiway and stand layouts
- Custom taxiway signage
- Realistic night time lighting
- Accurate depiction of the terminal interior
- Custom jetway models
- Custom windsock models
You can find the free version of Paderborn/Lippstadt for MSFS here: https://cdn1.aerosoft.com/paderborn-msfs.php
Not downloading for me. I have very fast internet yet it’s telling me it will take more than 24 hrs to download.
Same for me, it is capped at 50kb/s so I assume it is a server issue their end.
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i just give it some time im now at 2,5 Mb/s
Nice find. I created another thread so we can list findings like this. Thank you.
If size is anything to go by, it should be a good one. It’s a 3.8GB download.
Same here with Internet fiber optic. Seems Aerosoft hosting services is hardly managing the bandwith.
They changed the link to a .php and I could download it at 20 Mb/s.
!Updated Link!
You can find the free version of Paderborn/Lippstadt for MSFS here: https://cdn1.aerosoft.com/paderborn-msfs.php
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I’m getting runtime error (at 7:332) out of range when running the .exe!
Works for me… try download it again
Work for me to, download and install ok
works good for a freeware 
My Wishlist to Aerosoft:
Pics showing Paderborn after Installing. One Aircraft (Lufthansa) with the same settings (Real Weather plus Real Player):
I have switched of Live Traffic and AI staff…
what is the tread you created?
it’s working now; just had to download again… probably corrupt first time around
Aha!!! I was right! Back when people were posting the Aerosoft CRJ cockpit screenshot for MSFS, it had a bus outside of the aircraft that said Paderborn/Lippstadt, and so I figured it was a hint at what they would release