Do you move ALL of your USB connections to the new hub, or use all the open slots on the motherboard and then use the powered extender as “overflow”? And does it matter what goes in the external USB vs what stays on the motherboard? I would think the typical connections such as keyboard, mouse, and external speaker would be fine in the motherboard, but I don’t know for sure, thus the question.
I’ve put my flight yoke and Bravo throttle on the extender, but that was just a guess.
I have a four-port powered USB hub to which I connect all my flight sim peripherals: Thrustmaster Warthog stick and throttle, Thrustmaster TPR Rudder Pedals, and Elgato Streamdeck. None of my peripherals are connected directly to my motherboard, although I have several other devices connected that way (mouse, keyboard, etc.). I have been using MSFS in this configuration on my PC for nearly three years.
For the most part it won’t make much difference, but beware of USB 3 vs 2 – many flight sim devices only need USB 2 and are fine on even cheap USB 2-only hubs! But some devices really do need the additional USB 3 bandwidth and will choke on a cable or port or hub that doesn’t support it.
As long as the hub is powered, usually there’s not too many surprises…
I generally stick everything the external hub so I only have to have one cable to disconnect/connect when I fiddle with the machine.
All my sim hardware goes into powered hubs, yoke, throttle, wheel, pedals, and several plane-specific HOTAS setups depending on my mood that day. Keyboard and mouse direct to onboard USB.
Really it all just depends on how many USB ports you have available how much power you need for USB devices and how long your USB runs are from the devices to the PC.
I’m using 2 USB hubs, one that is built into my office desk and the other is a individual powered hub.
I have a ton of sim (both flight and racing) hardware to power
I don’t have very much plugged into my rig. The dongle for the KB/mouse is plugged into the back of the rig. My X52 and camera cables are plugged into a powered hub just to keep things a little neater, since the cable on the X52 is just a few inches short to keep plugged in and set it out of the way when I’m not flying. I don’t have anything else plugged in at the moment. If I want to drone around and look at some scenery, I plug my game controller into a port on top of the main rig - same with my USB headset.
Thanks to all of you for your responses. It looks like I’m on the right track to have my mouse and keyboard and other non-flight devices plugged into the motherboard and going from there.
I found 2 peripherals that needed to be plugged directly to the motherboard:
TrackIR and my Turtle Beach Velocity 1 rudder pedals. The pedals in particular didn’t want to work through my hub (they wouldn’t initialise until I cycled the power). That was with a 7 port Sarbant USB 3.0 hub.
I have 2 flash drives and my keyboard in my USB2 backplane ports.
2 x 8-port powered hubs in USB3 backplane ports.
1 x 8-port powered hub in a USB2 backplane port.
1 USB-C port dedicated to my wireless mouse charging cable.
I couldn’t even tell you what’s plugged into the USB hubs. I know I did have some method.