Foreflight VR app...? Answer from developers

So I’m one of those with an active one year subscription to Foreflight.
Just wrote them about any news on a native VR app, here’s the answer:

Hello xxxx,

Xxxxxx here. I am glad to assist.

We do appreciate you and your passion for the product. We have nothing to announce and no timeline for when something like this may be available.

Best regards,


Pilot Support Team

So there you have it.
Perhaps if they receive more requests… who knows.

Curious as to what specifically you’re asking for here. An add-on for Flight Simulator that creates an ipad in the simulator with your copy of ForeFlight running on it? If so, that sounds super cool, but why would the ForeFlight guys make that? Are they big Flight SImulator fans too? I know you can interface ForeFlight with the sim, but I’d expect Flight Sim add-ons to be way out of their scope.

Have you used the new Navigraph plugin for Mfs2020?
Well, Foreflight in that same way would be THE app to use. I’m my opinion, of course.

Instead of tapping the ipad, interact in VR with your mouse on every aspect of the app.

I’ve tried Foreflight in VR using OVR Toolkit (?) I think that’s the name of the app.
It’s all fun and games until you need to tap for info anywhere in the map or menus.
Once I tried, and ending up tapping one of my cats instead :sweat_smile: He was happy though.

Anyway, if only for having other options right?
They are big fans of Flight Sims, indeed.
But allocating resources for this… perhaps if more people request it or Microsoft approached them, who knows.

I have the feeling we will see this app in native VR in the future, I’m an optimist.

I’ve been using Garmin Pilot on Android. If there was a way to have a tablet in the sim that mirrored my mobile device such that I could just hold my real mobile device and interact with it, and see the screen in VR, I would consider getting back into VR. But using a mobile device, along with charts, and taking notes, made me retreat to 2D. So I’m keen on following the progress here.

Send an email to foreflight support team, I’m sure they will get to it eventually.

I’m planning in writing again in a couple of months.
After all, my subscription is active.

It sounds like more of an issue for another third party to create as a standalone add-on, mirroring a mobile device screen with controller support to see your finger in VR. It shouldn’t be just specific to ForeFlight, because it would be helpful to use other apps in VR as well.

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