If you really have a high end system you can get great performance with careful calibration … although I think I’ll pass on the vga thanks.

PS. MSFS’s recommended high end system includes a 4k monitor.

I have ryzen 9 5900x, RTX 3080, 32 gb RAM and x570 MB. Still low fps.

what monitor, what settings?

34" LG monitor (2K) with Ultra settings. Before the final update, the game was so smooth and although the FPS is limited to 60, I was playing at 75 FPS with same settings. Now everything is same but FPS is half. The developer mode says that the game is limited by GPU which is not possible. How can it be?? Same GPU can play the game with 75 fps and after the update half rate. This is software related.

With a 3080 and just a 2k monitor you have to max out everything that affects gpu and then start bumping renderscale until you stop getting mainthread limited … if you have a 75fps cap in NVCP then turn it off at least for now

Also if your monitor is 16:9 you can try a custom 3840 x 2160 desktop and use NIS to sharpen

Exactly ! With a 2K monitor I have to get the maximum performance from my GPU and CPU. They are not OC. The developers did something to game to limit the graphic settings. Even with the VR I get a poor performance. There is no limit on FPS. They wrote that a new update is coming for the game. May be this time they fix the problem.

Yes that’s all true but you can probably still lower T-LOD and traffic to get a better balance in the meantime

MS have always said High end 4k, Mid range 1440p and Low end 1080p so it’s difficult to blame the devs for this.

If it’s a software issue then I suspect a mod or a side by side app … make sure to check for updates including in content manager. It’s not down to MS/Asobo to ensure that 3rd party stuff still works.

@DensestSnail693 You probably didn’t see it during your break in the forums, but the worm has actually been in there since SU09. With activated online functions I have between 30-40% FPS loss. Exept simple Bing data all offline still 15-20%. Asobo is also currently investigating the issue.

Massive FPS drop because of SU9 - Bug Reports / Install, Performance & Graphics - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums

I did see it actually and yes it was my initial reaction too however I don’t suffer an obsession with “same settings” as parameters and values get changed with every major update. Once I recalibrated performance and graphical fidelity was pretty much as it was with the only real difference being an improvement in cloud quality (but at a big cost especially if flying in a cloud layer). IMO the high setting now is pretty much what ultra was before SU9.

I’ve completely turned off clouds and weather since SU09 because the FPS drops in VR are too drastic. So I can’t say anything about settings.
Just fly my daily standard test route around the RAF Valley with an almost bare system to see if there are any improvements. Tap on massive server problems.

I quite believe it … Volumetric clouds have been a thorn since introduction however I’m certain DX12 and it’s better core usage will bring dramatic improvements … eventually.

Oh, before SU09 the performance was good for me. 40-45FPS in VR, all data on, only photogrammetry off. Mixture between high and ultra. Live AI is also sucking incredibly power at the moment.
With the old settings I reach max. 25FPS today. Online stuff and weather completly off, it’s today 32-35.