Any thoughts on why the FPS would drop significantly after one hour just sitting in a Cold and Dark State? This happens consistently, see attached FPS results in top left corner
What would have been interesting to see was the readout for the dev. mode FPS counter as it it goes into more detail. We’d be able to see if this was a CPU or GPU issue, main memory as well as GPU memory committed, and so on.
Thank you. I will do the test again with the Dev FPS window displayed and then re-submit later today.
Sounds good. Double check the images you upload can be zoomed in to see the small text in the FPS display that appears at the top right.
Here is my latest test. I should also mention that prior to the test I upgraded my Internet Service Speed from 300 Mbps to 1Gbps thinking that my problem may be an internet bandwidth issue, but I don’t think it made a difference.
I am attaching two screenshots of the aircraft in the same position as before as well
l as a summary screenshot of the Dev Mode FPS
That’s odd. Neither CPU or GPU show significant difference. However CoherentGTUI has more than doubled, and is showing red spikes.
That software is used to build the UI. We should all have he same version of that software.
I wonder if it’s a memory leak of some kind.
Thanks for your valued observations.
I have no idea what that GTUI means as this is beyond my knowledge base.
As far as a memory leak goes, how does one determine that?
Should I be consulting with my PC builder at this point or do you have more to share?
Thanks again, Dane
CoherentGTUI is the subsystem that runs the HTML user interface menus/panels and HTML/JavaScript-based avionics. So it’s possible that one of the pop-up menus (either core or an add-on like the Navigraph charts) or the avionics in one or more of the planes is accumulating data and getting slower and slower processing it over time.
Note that a memory leak won’t by itself make things slower – but in garbage-collected languages like JavaScript it’s common to have both a memory leak and a slowdown caused by the same problem (such as adding to some collection of items to process without pruning old items out over time).
Would the CoherentGTUI issue be isolated to MSFS? Or could an open web browser open to a web page during the test with a memory leak cause issues?
It is a code library that is used as part of the MSFS executable. External applications such as web browsers are entirely separate.
Thank you. It is so wonderful to have so many knowledgable people that are willing to help.