Fps with small planes

The loading is more intensive and demanding.

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Dx12 wont do much there and it depends on what Asobo does or just get a high end cpu.
I have no issues with the 787.

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True have the same problem I have high fps with the a320nx but with stutters and small planes high fps with no stutters my specs i7-9700 rtx3070 16GB ram 1TB

Yea I wanna try the CRJ

Maybe it might help, but I have an I7 9700 and i’ve seen people with better have the same issues with main thread limiting, so i’d rather not waste money on essentially a gamble.
I also have an RTX3070 and 32gb RAM, optimization just seems terrible.


I have a less powerful GPU 2060super here with a 10700k running @5ghz and the 787 runs smoothly. Optimization isn’t terrible but its not perfect. Even other sim Airliners tend to be more complex to run.
A3NX is the worst on machine.787,747 default a320 no issues.

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The a32nx is the worst plane for me in the sim.That to me is much worse than the 787.Good fps but bad stuttering.747 and 787 mod I use runs really well.A3NX is just more complexity

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I have it set on Medium, Low looks like a joke.
My specs
32GB Ram
RTX 3070 8GB
50Mbps connection

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Dx12 CAN limit draw calls and you get more CPU Ressources for the sim… works great on Some other CPU limited Games

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True true talk

The problem IMHO is that the system-coding in MSFS for all the Glass Cockpits is done with JS/HTML.
The CRJ for example which has the deepest system-simulations of all the planes uses C++ trough WASM.
That seems to be WAY less demanding. Aerosoft said that all complex simulations of airliners will have to be done in C++ because of the performance.

Thats why i honestly dont see a bright future for the A32NX mod, as the more they add, the worse the performance seem to get.

The CRJ performs absolutely outstanding and this with every system simulated (from a Pilots POV).


Thanks, i recently tried the CRJ and this explains why i get incredible performance in the CRJ, smooth 40-50fps just like in the small GA planes.


Wauww you really are amazing true talk…

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Yea I really wanna get it but I am just afraid that I will get the same performance as the a320nx but that isn’t so

What’s your specs again

i7 9700, RTX 3070, 32gb RAM, running on an M2 drive @ 1440p

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Yeah that’s good this is mine,
![Intel i7-9700 Game Computer / Streaming PC - RTX 2070 SUPER - 16GB - 512GB SSD (M2.0, NVMe) - 2TB HD

I have Rtx3070 instead of 2070 bcs it was out of stock at that time

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