Frame generation kills FPS?

I’m not sure if it depends on the Beta, but…

When MSFS is in the foreground on the main monitor I get this:

As soon as I click on any app placed on the second monitor here’s what happens:

Now, I know that Frame generation only works when the game is in the foreground (and in fact if I measure the FPS with Rivatuner I get 64 in the first case and 110 in the second), but it is precisely FG that causes a loss of 10 “effective” FPS in the simulator? Or what else?

You will say: “Well, in the second case you have +50 FPS anyway”. In fact it is true, but I would still like to understand why the simulator behaves like this.


It’s a little hard to understand what your problem is. Are you saying that frame gen is causing a loss of native fps (not counting the fake frames)? That’s to be expected. Since the fake frames are being generated directly on the gpu, it means siphoning some resources from the traditional rendering power/performance to create them, necessarily causing a slight drop in native frame rates.

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I’m seeing double FPS.

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When you click on the second monitor what gets rendering priority is Windows desktop not game´s window. Therefore in game counter you will see a fake higher measurement that shows the fps at which Windows desktop is being rendered.

This is not caused by frame generation but by Windows own window manager feature. Whenever you click outside game´s window you need to click back inside game´s window afterwards again to restore rendering priority on game (you can click on the windshield or on any cockpit button for instance). This is because game is running in a borderless window not in true full screen and is happening since FSX times.



Thanks for the reply. But are you telling me that the FPS counter of MSFS when I click on the second monitor is NOT telling me the FPS of the simulator, but of the other window?

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But then why would the CPU also be affected by the frame generator? (13,3 ms > 18,3 ms)

Yes. This is the fact. Any fps counter will do the same as game´s one does. Indeed I see the same behaviour on my main monitor on screen display. If I click on my second monitor my main monitor´s OSD will read 120 (this is my desktop refresh rate) and when I click back on game´s window it drops to whatever below 120. It has been always like that since MSFS was released.



I agree, as the Xbox OSD will show the FPS for only the monitor I click on.
(I’m using 3 monitors)

often i have to switch FG off and on otherwise it becomes a weird stutter fest that is literally unplayable

There are two reasons. Main one is that Frame Generation is using some computing power of your GPU, which then cannot be used to make “true” frames by the game itself. That’s what happens in most games out there, enabling FG rarely “doubles” you FPS, because the in-game framerate drops.
MSFS is sort of exception and best-case scenario for FG, as the game is often CPU limited so it has GPU power to spare. But not always.

The second possible reason is that if you have FPS limiter enabled or Vsync, then FPS won’t exceed that number, and the game with FG enabled will be limited to half of that. But 110 FPS is a bit odd number for that, so it’s probably not the case here.

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Try an easier workaround - hit alt-enter twice so the game switches to windowed mode and back again, this should make frame gen behave until the next time.

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thanks - ill give that a go

165hz monitor with GSync enabled, vertical sync OFF. However, I think you described what happens perfectly.

This happens to me as well.
But I don’t know if this is BETA related or not honestly.

it shouldn’t hit mainthread this hard mooncatt, this is not normal.

Can replicate this out of the beta as well, mainthread is spiking hard with FG enabled.
Not a single other frame generation capable game I have in my library does this.