Agua Caliente Springs Airport serves residents of rural east San Diego County and visitors to Agua Caliente Hot Springs County Park. It’s located 95 miles east of San Diego. The airfield looks like a blacktop field next to a two-lane desert highway in the middle of nowhere. Approach runway 11 is challenging and weather permit it’s highly recommended to land on runway 29.
Free to download: Agua Caliente Springs (L54) for Microsoft Flight Simulator | MSFS
- Improve all ground textures
- Improve and fix the windsock area
- I keep voluntary the big marking AGUA CALIENTE on the runway abeam the windsock (remove after 2018)
- Add details and life on apron and parking
- Add some terraforming to simulate “berm, ditch, sand both sides of runway”
More info for pilots
Agua Caliente has only one runway 11/29 with 2500 x 60 feet (762 x 18 meters). Wind permitting use of runway 29 for landing and runway 11 for departure recommended due to a 460 feet hill 1/2 mile west of the airport. Right Pattern runway 29. Left pattern runway 11. Frequency: aircraft shall self announced on CTAF prior to landing or departure. Runway 11/29 closed Sunset-Sunrise; Not lighted.
Free to download: Agua Caliente Springs (L54) for Microsoft Flight Simulator | MSFS