[Freeware] KBUU - Burlington Municipal Airport, Wisconsin, USA

Burlington Municipal Airport (KBUU) is a small, GA, non-towered airport located in Southeast Wisconsin, USA. This airport is a popular stop for IRL pilots hangared at nearby airports because of lower fuel costs and aircraft maintenance services. The on-airport VOR “BUU” is a popular location for training GA pilots from a variety of nearby flight training operators in Southeast Wisconsin and Northern Illinois. Most days will see a steady stream of overhead holds and practice VFR and IFR approaches.

Version 1 contains:

  • 2 accurate FBO buildings from photos
  • Self-refueling pad.
  • Accurate runways, markings, lighting, approach lighting.
  • Accurate taxiways, taxi lights and stripes
  • Correct taxiway signs.
  • Most auto-gen hangars have been replaced.
  • Night lighting

To do’s:

  • More runway and taxiway texturing.
  • More hangars and hangar colors.
  • More aircraft parking locations for auto-gen.
  • Airport clutter.

To install: Unzip file directly to the Community folder.
