[Freeware] Monument Valley (UT25), Utah (updated May'24)

Hello simmers!
In my quest :slight_smile: of improving general aviation airports that I was lucky to practice in real and which deserve more than default scenery, here’re early development pics of my next freeware: Monument Valley Airport (UT25) in the iconic valley.

There isn’t much to build in term of 3D objects at this private small airstrip: fences, Hogan Navajo, one hangar and restrooms for charter’s flight. But the apron and very narrow runway deserve better than the generic.

For pilots, it’s a one-way-in, one-way-out with no reasonable go-around as you approach the short final. So, be prepare for tailwind landing and verify your personal minima. The runway has a nice upslope to it landing (runway 16), so that helps with the fear of overshooting/slowing down a lot.

I’ll do my best to recreate the ambiance of what is one of my most impressive (real) landings.
Stay tuned!


Is that a subtle offer of a challenge to land on 34? :slight_smile:

I’m up for it. Looks easily doable in the appropriate plane. Any STOL should breeze it! That runway is LONG. Guess the challenge is to stop short and not use the other end of the strip.

In the sim, anything is do-able :wink: In the real world, did once a go-around (high temp, tailwind…) at the right timing and that enough for me for the real world ;))))

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Last pictures of the (very) soon to come version 1.0


Available now at Monument Valley Airport (UT25) for Microsoft Flight Simulator | MSFS for your sightseeing flights and short hops


A small free update is published right away at https://flightsim.to/file/55726/monument-valley-airport-ut25 which includes:

  • Replace default windsock with animated 100% orange FAA compliant windsock
  • Minor fixes and fine tuning (that you won’t notice)


I just downloaded this one but haven’t flown it yet, along with Jeppson’s monument valley. I take breaks and fly out in the ‘nowhere’ either in AK or the west. Just having a decent non default strip when needing a shower after using //42 camping for a while is so much more of an improvement to me than any mega international monster airport. Can’t knock fluid 115fps landings at these…

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