Nestled in a crook of the Nashua River among the hills of Fitchburg, MA, lies Fitchburg Municipal Airport. The airport was originally the idea of a Stephen Wesley Haynes (I’ve included a copy of his history of the airport), a pilot recently returned from Europe after fighting in WWI. In and around 1924, he started buying property for the airport, and, along with the help of several other men and investors the airport began operation in June of 1929. It’s come a long way since then, most recently going through a major rebuild in 2020 in an attempt to attract more business flights. In that rebuild, runway 2-20 was closed, and 32-14 was reoriented by 2 degrees and lengthened by 501 ft to just over 5000 ft long to appease the insurance companies, meet the rules of the FAA, so that small business jets may safely land at the airport. It’s still listed as 32-14, though I believe there are plans to change it to 36 - 16 in the future.
This release updates the airport to its current configuration, not to mention I’ve updated a few of the hangars and the main lobby to look a little more accurate (sorry, I haven’t yet learned to model), added all the fencing, fixed up all the parking and added some new spots at Twin City Airmotive, cleaned up everything, added the new self service fuel farm, added a heliport for those people who’d like to simulate the Life Flight squadron on base, moved the beacon tower out of the middle of a hangar to its proper location, and many other details.
Fitchburg, an uncontrolled airport, offers full service fuel through it’s RCO channel at 118.025. Given MSFS doesn’t support ordering fuel through an FSS Com channel, I added a Ground channel at 118.025 so people can order a fuel truck. Let me know what you think of this idea. For the sake of realism… don’t ask for taxi instructions. The airport is uncontrolled.
Finally, I also included a Services file which changes the services on the field, as well as my separate GA Living World Config addon, which helps reduce the types of vehicles you’ll see on the airport (yay, no busses or firetrucks etc). Unfortunately, this addon affects all airports in Northern North America, so you’ll have to choose whether or not you want to install it.