(Freeware release) Yambaitok airstrip, Papua New Guinea

Hello there,

AYYZ Yambaitok airstrip version 1.0 is avalilable at AYYZ Yambaitok airstrip, Papua New Guinea for Microsoft Flight Simulator | MSFS

The text and first pictures below were part of the early development process but I finally rebuilt the airport from scratch (see further below).

I worked on my first scenery for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020. It is designed to work with the freeware Yambaitok airstrip (Papua New Guinea) scenery by Milosanx (available here : AYYZ Yambaitok Airstrip PNG for Microsoft Flight Simulator | MSFS).

I reworked mostly the river and the vegetation using assets from free libraries available on flightsim.to.

It is still a work in progress. I eventually will make it available to download.

Here are some screenshots !


Edit : added some new screenshots

Note : I’m using Bijan’s seasons mod + custom vegetation from microsoft + free libraries

If someone knows how to create a watermask, I would be happy to try to make the river more brown, muddy, as it is in real life. I also don’t know how to remove the ground workers and fuel station next to the field as I didn’t modify the original freeware airport. I just added some more stuff as a “Simple Scenery”.

Some more work on the river (right color now) as well as improved ground textures (more grass now, less dirt as in real life) and new details such as dead logs and people. Still can’t figure out how to remove the refueling station. But maybe I will start to rebuild from scratch instead of enhancing an existing scenery.

Congrats, looks quite good. But you surely want to remove the guy with the pushback cart, don’t you? :grin:

Thanks !
I would like to remove that too but still don’t know how to do ! If you have any clue, feel free to share :wink:

Depending on how you have the airstrip set up, if you classify the parking spots as Mil-Cargo and set their radius to 5m that might do the trick.

Thanks but I don’t have access to the airport project. I builded a simple scenery on top of an existing airport (freeware flightsim.to, see OP).
I tried using exclusion rectangle or polygon but that doesn’t seem to work.

Is there a way to override the settings of the airport without having to rebuild the whole thing ?

That guy before me did a good job with terraforming so I would like to take avantage of his work. That was the plan for this project as it was already a good add-on.

Got you, sorry missed that bit. I think you would need control of the airfield itself as the settings are baked in there.

For our Arrows Across America addon we had to create complete airfields to replace default ones

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I fly png almost exclusively. One of my biggest gripes is landing at a jungle airstrip and a city bus and a forklift are doing circles in the weeds. While a apron marshal directs you to your parking spot.

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Before (with Bijan’s seasons + freeware from Milosanx)

After (with CroixPaille’s enhancement)



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Some more work on details

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So here we are, version 1.0 is available on flightsim.to

I rebuilt the airport completely to be able to set everything as I needed. And I got rid of the ground services and improved a lot of stuff.

Here are some screenshots


Ill be grabbing this for sure. Very nice work!

Edit : new screenshots added

Tip: Add country tag to your AYYZ page on FS.to, so your airfield can be found here!

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I downloaded this, along with all the recommended options.
I noticed that the link for WOOKIE042’s ‘Bush and Backcountry Libraries’ resolves incorrectly to the ‘Emerald Object Library.’

I had to search for the backcountry library mod to download it.

Looks awesome, though! Thanks for the hard work.

This might be of interest

Thank you, it’s solved in the released version :wink: