Fresh install on an SSD made all the difference in world

Just for your info, I have installed it on an M2 (mvme) drive moving from a SSD…no noticeable difference. My loading times are still slow due amount of content in the community folder.

Yes you can. I have MSFS on my Steam library on C:. My content is installed in D:\MSFS

I get the pending or error messages each time I try to download the sim. I first got them after trying to re-install when the program suddenly would not update after eight months of using it. I tried to uninstall then reinstall and keep getting the error or pending message. Tried resetting store app, clearing cache, turned firewall off, tried the auto tune to normal move, . Still the same issue. Will not download past about 390k before going to error.
Out of ideas and not much tech knowledge to begin with. I appreciate any suggestions about where to post this more appropriately. Thanks!

Stick to the big brands like Samsung, Crucial etc. Ive seen unknown super cheap stuff like on Ali Express. Avoid them. They are cheap for a reason, some cost cutting has been done.

Also in the early SSDs wear was a concern (SSD memory has a finite life) but with modern drives that is not a worry. You will likely change computers before you notice any performance degradation and to even REACH such a stage you would have to write gazzilions of GB worth data every DAY to the drive. A good branded drive will last years.

Always back up your data though that goes for any system.

See these links:


You can put the Community folder wherever you want.

So for example you game can be in C:\MSFS and the comm folder can be on H:\MicrosoftFlightSimulator Packages\Community

This is a good idea specially if space is limited on the C: drive for example.

My Windows10 is on SSD but I have two old school HDs also. There are some things I feel they are better for - vast music collections, huge number of Steam games etc. This releases the SSD only for those programs/games I use the most.

Once in Windows I hardly notice the difference TBH. Yes on the SSD its near instant while opening up the MP3 player on the HD takes like 5 sec but thats not a deal breaker for me.

Yes, SSD and fiber are required. Otherwise, it’s not even worth trying to fly.

Like I said in my post above - mass archival storage. Music, video files, Steam games you rarely play, etc. All perfectly good stuff to stick on a mechanical drive.

Probably the wrong thread for your question, but since you asked it, whenever I have issues like this, I use NordVPN to spoof a UK IP address, and so far, it’s worked every single time. I can’t explain why, it made sense when I was having problems with the world update that included the UK, but every time it’s happened since (which has only been 2, maybe 3 times), this trick has worked wonders.

I tell anybody who asks that it’s downright nuts to have a spinner on a computer in 2021. (A spinner is my term for an HDD.) The only exception for that is if you have massive amounts of movies to store, and even then I recommend an external spinner.

However, for those who just won’t take that advice, let me add this… To attempt to run MSFS (any aspect of it, including your Community directory and even companion apps) off of anything but a quality SSD is double, maybe even triple nuts. Like all recent AAA games, MSFS is simply not designed to be run from a spinner. If you can’t heed my advice and completely eliminate them from your rig, the the very least go get a 1TB SSD, and dedicate it to all things MSFS, including the cache file if you use one.

Also, the advice being given on RAM is spot on, too. I recommend nothing less than 32GB for MSFS users, and more is better. I have 64GB myself, though that might still be a bit of overkill. But even with Covid related recent price hikes, RAM is still cheap, so while you’re ordering that SSD, go ahead and top up to 32GB of RAM, too. Your flight simming experience will thank you.

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Exactly. Can’t believe anyone would still use them for every day tasks. I have 15 or so with data I haven’t seen in years. Photos, videos I created, movies ripped from DVDs. When I want to look up something I stick them in my hot-swap SATA tower.

Yeah, I haven’t had a hard drive for everyday stuff in over a decade now. It was SATA SSDs for primary and secondary drives. And 2½ years ago I went NVMe when I bought my current system. There’s no looking back after you experience what that can do. lol

But mechanical drives do have their place. I have 22TB of mechanical storage on my home network loaded in my NAS. My astrophotography generates a lot of raw data, especially if I’m doing night sky time lapses. About 50% of my mechanical space is my archive of raw astrophotography work and project backups from the last 8 years.

Another 5 TB or so is the same as you - music library, DVDs I ripped, etc and loaded into my PLEX server. The rest is free space waiting to get filled up. I figure at the rate I’m going, it’ll be another 3-4 years before I need more storage.

So I just create a folder in my D drive and call it “MicrosoftFlightSimulator Packages\Community” ? Will MSFS automatically find this folder? WOW?

jees what nonsense

ofcourse not,. you need to do something, rolls eyes.

Well that’s what I want to know, and sorry that I am not that expert like you guys, If you can show me I will appreciate it.

No, it will not find it.

If you want to use the D drive for FS2020,
create and name a folder on the D drive. I used “D:\FS2020”.

Go to Settings, Apps.
Scroll down to MS Flight Simulator.
Click “Move”.
Tell it where you want to move it to.

Note: This will not be a “fresh install”.
To do that, click “uninstall”.
Then go too MS Store and install it again.
This will be a “fresh” install.

Remember afterwards to manually delete the original
170 GB if you chooses a new location for FS2020.

“Uninstall” will not delete it.

I agree …YES, Moving to a SSD is a GREAT Move…
Moving to a NvMe Drive is even BETTER , Much Better.
I moved to an SSD and was super happy but when I moved my OS and FS2020 to a NvMe drive…now that was super fast… very noticeable speed improvement from the SSD.

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There is no need to apologize! Some people are just not helpful, ignore them. You get all sorts! Not everyone knows everything. Im sure you have deep knowledge of subjects that we do not!

See this discussion:

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Thanks. The question is, can you leave MSFS on your C drive (as the default installation) but have only the Community folder in another drive?