From Paris, With Love (World Update IV)

After checking out Amsterdam, it was time to make the obligatory sightseeing tour of Paris. The vast scale of the distinctive white washed buildings in the historical city center look incredible from above in MSFS!

Well done Asobo, J’adore :fr:


I agree, Paris look great now!

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Yes, awesome and not too bad FPS too


Paris in spring!

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World update 4 is a bloody mess.

I live in belgium. Have spent a lot of time in netherlands too.

Belgium and netherland do not look anything like it’s portrayed in msfs after the world update.

Massive cringe moment every time I fly over both areas. I can’t get myself to play it anymore.

The game is after a year a beta at best. Most beta games run 10 times better then flight simulator
Can’t believe I bought myself and my father a premium copy of the game.

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The Arc de Triomphe looked fine when I flew over it today. This may be a silly question, but have you downloaded World Update 4 inside the game? If you don’t you will get some sort of weird default scenery.

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It sounds like you have not downloaded the World Update (scenery pack) from the Marketplace. This is an additional 5GB update after the larger 20 something GB base sim update. You will notice in all the screenshots in this thread that the Arc de Triomphe shows as a custom 3D model, as does the Louvre:

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Something looks wrong with your installation, you should see the Arc de Triomphe as it is shown on the main loading screen

Not sure this is the good approach to write a complex and aggressive pamphlet like that, there’s a large community here that is ready to help, but you need to be respectful, factual, and not polemic

Just review the steps of your installation, check WU4 is installed in the MarketPlace, Photogrammetry On in the settings, these are the first points to be checked

If this is still not good on your side, post a screenshot of what you see, a picture is often better than 1000 words :wink:


No there was nothing wrong with my installation! This occurred before noticed that World Update 4 was available, but since World Update 4 was not installed on my MSFS 2020, that means that nothing was wrong with my installation. This happened only because before installing World Update 4 that I missed because i thought it was not yet available even when i wrote my post yesterday morning, MS automatically replaced (I don’t no why) the Arc de Triomphe (only Arc de Triomphe) by this building (see attached picture…) and it also added apparently additional auto-generated buildings for example in Louvre Museum and other places, and also wide trees and vegetation in the middle of many streets, avenues where they should not be!

Then just after my post, I noticed that World Update 4 was released by MS and I installed it with Photogrammetry setting. Anyhow, I am still upset but for other new reasons now:

  1. Photogrammetry of Paris is a good effort but there are some issues as there were for London photogrammetry (PG):

-3D reconstruction of buildings looks like buildings that have been ruined by bombings like in WW II.

  • There are many spikes on these PG reconstructed buildings and also on the ground terrain in many places

  • The general look of Paris with the photogrammetric colors of buildings is not very good and looks like dirty and old walls every where: I have been leaving in Paris for 39 years, and even though somme buildings are old and dirty due to air pollution, it is not generally as dirty as it appears in World Update 4.

  1. Now with last MSFS_SDK_0.12.00, the exclusions of MS buildings and of trees and vegetation do not work anymore in Polygons! Previously it was working after they corrected this bug that already existed in the past in 2020! Now this SDK bug comes again with SDK_0.12.00 and not only with Polygons, but also with Exclusion Rectangles (not rotating with Gizmo) and with No building rectangles (rotating with Gizmo). I noticed this also yesterday but after installation of World Update 4, because I am also a 3D scenery amateur designer from year 2000 since I started this hobby with FS 2000 (first textures using bitmap pictures thus photorealistic textures became possible with FS 2000). I remind you that I designed freeware 3D sceneries for FS 2000, 2002 and 2004 like ParisHotel de Ville, Paris Rue de Rivoli with its buildings and arcades from Hotel de Ville to Place de la Concorde all along the Northern face of the Louvre Museum, a complete Chateau de Versailles (with all main detailed palaces and queen farm and the park with trees) and the a Cathedral of the city of Chartres where I was born: they are all available in and they are freewares for FS 2000 and FS2004! Thus I am not a beginner at all as a simmer and as a 3D scenery amateur designer. So please no lessons to me! If I am upset, it is only because I am also an old customer of MS for flight simulators from FS 4 with DOSS SHELL 7 in 1982/1983 and then FS 98, FS 2000, 2002, 2004 and FS X (too heavy engine for hardwares when it was released!).

I noticed that exclusions were not working in last MSFS_SDK_0.12.00 that I installed a few days ago, because I designed two personal 3D scenery add-ons for Paris but not yet published:

  • the first the Montparnasse Tower/ Montparnasse Station with the Porte de Bretagne entrance which is made of transparent glass (PBR but not using Flightsim material (glass) but using Physical Material which correctly displays in MS FS 2020) and with all buildings on Montparnasse Station concrete terrace, and the Commercial Centre or mall including the Galeries Lafayette, that is missing in World Update 4.

-the second one is Notre Dame de Paris in fully photo realistic textures and more detailed and looking better than the one of World Update 4 , although I have to still improve some parts of my 3D design and of my materials but even without PBR materials it looks already good for me. For others I do not know because all this is not yet published but it was working very well in MS FS 2020, any way. Now I will improve materials by using PBR for some textures, but both 3D scenery objects took approximately 6 months staring from October, and since I am a perfectionist I am still not fully happy with what I have designed for Notre Dame de Paris, thus I am still improving it although it is globally finished with more than 650 textures and every thing is at real scale, not like the one of World Update 4, because I always like to use architectural documents found on the web to know the exact dimensions of real monuments: both bell towers of Notre Dame de Paris are only 69 metres high and not as tall as MS did them in World Update 4, for example… Other MS dimensions are approximately correct anyway.

I tried to exclude the MSFS Notre Dame de Paris, but I could not neither using Polygons nor using both types of rectangles, yesterday afternoon! Thus, you know what I did, yesterday? I uninstalled or deleted fully the World Update 4! It’s a pity!

It confirms that MS do not check and test properly their updates before releasing them, and this is not new at all and is recurrent. Sorry but as a former electrical engineer of french engineering companies working in Oil & Gas and also in other industrial plants, I cannot accept that all! This is a simple matter of Quality Control even if we are talking about software releases! Someone should test them as far as reasonably possible to detect main and obvious potential bugs (not all bugs because it is almost impossible but main ones!) and it seems that it is not done properly by MS exactly what I experienced in my job of electrical engineer when I was making Factory Acceptance Tests (FAT) of electrical equipment that I purchased, at workshops of my Suppliers: their own internal tests, part of their internal Quality Control was never completed but they were ready to deliver electrical equipment to the construction site, although there were non conformances to my technical specifications! Unfortunately for these suppliers, when I was available for FAT’s their uncomplete tested equipment were always rejected by me at FAT’s with a plan of corrective actions imposed to them!

I regret sir, but the customer pays for a product fulfilling his normal expectations that are that it has to properly work and to carry on all functions which it has been designed for by the Supplier to the satisfaction of the Client/Customer! Normally the Customer is the king, and he can have queries towards the Supplier and he can also be upset, when the Supplier is not fulfilling its contractually required duties. It is normal and perfectly justified to be upset in this case when you are an unsatisfied Customer. The truth has to be told strongly sometimes, because sometimes people do not want to understand it with a peaceful dialog! I am 62 years old, and I perfectly know all this in business, etc., so please do not give me any lesson of behavior! OK? I will not accept to change my character…Being angry or verbally/orally agressive is not forbidden when it is justified, and I remain always polite anyway, so what?

Please check what I say in my above real comments, and you will see that I am right. Furthermore, if you find I was wrong, tell me and demonstrate it to me, and if you give me the evidence of my error, of course I will accept it and I will apologize but not yet, because my comments need to be carefully checked by MS before and we will see the outcome of it.

I also send you the missing picture that you requested, showing the new shape of Arc de Triomphe that appeared to me on April 16th, 2020 when I was recording a video capture of my flight above Paris: what a change and a bad surprise for the Arc de Triomphe that was replaced by this “HLM” building only from this day, because before April 16th, it was OK, as I said in my post on the forum…

I also send you additional pictures of MS PG of Montparnasse Station and of my own Montparnasse Station with its Porte de Bretagne entrance made of transparent glass, and also the CNP (Caisse National de Prevoyance) Building on the top of its concrete roof or terrace.

I also send you a capture of my own Montparnasse Tower not with detailed PBR windows, but with real photorealistic pictures applied and with full glass reflection of all walls because windows and walls of the tower are normally covered by glass everywhere.

I also attach to this E-mail some pictures of what I have done regarding cathedral Notre Dame de Paris with a comparaison to the one included in MS World Update 4 taht I called “Photogrammetric” on attached files, but I of course know that it is not photogrammetric at all but fully designed by hand with 3DS Max 2021 with Flightsim PBR materials like all Points of Interest, because I could see that it is not fully compliant with real Notre Dame de Paris although I agree that it is not so bad but some details like towers taller than real (real are 69 m high and not more!) and also theie proportions that are not fully real if you compare it with real front face pictures of Western Face of cathedral for example…

But of course it’s a lot of work of architectural documentation research to design very realistic monuments, I know it perfectly and creating perfectly realistic pictures is very time consuming and difficult.

On my attached 3D model of cathedral Notre Dame de Paris, I have a little bit simplified the western 3 main portals which are still flat in my 3D model, while they should be concave and I did some other simplifications on the 2D representation of the 8 openings of both towers, and I ahave not yet included all prismatic walls above all windows around the ground floor chapels of the perimeter of the “Nef” and of the “Choeur” and “Chevet” of the cathedral (I will improve this later on anyway), but anyhow the global shape of my cathedral is already relatively correct and globally better than the one included in World Update 4… This can be proven easily by simple comparison with real photos of cathedral Notre Dame de Paris and it is obvious when you make an objective comparison.

That’s also the reason why I became upset on April 17th, 2021 morning when I discovered that I had many bugs without modifying anything to my installation of MSFS 2020, thus before installation of World Update 4. Today, in order to display correctly my two own 3D sceneries where I already have polygons of exclusion and terraforming and laso suitable rectangles, I had to uninstall the World Update 4 as I already said because now exclusions do not work anymore, as I asid already!

Please check my attached pictures carefully and enjoy. For the time being my two add-ons of Montparnasse Tower… and mainly of cathedral Notre Dame de Paris are not completely finished because I am never fully satisfied of the result and I am always very tough with myself and my work because I like tending to perfection, and that’s why I am also tough with people that I believe, have not done fully properly their job: it is my opinion and I will never change it. To be very stringent like me is any way always positive because it can motivate other people to work hard and to improve the quality of their work, thus it is a source of progress as in any job and business! It is my main aim when I am angry in such situations. It is also the role of a customer or of a boss…

Enjoy my attachments. One day I will share my own add-ons when I will believe that they are enough correct for sharing them as freeware or shareware, today I don’t know but what I know is that I spent a long time since October 2020 although it is a hobby and a passion…

Best regards anyway,


Sorry I don’t have time to read all of your post- but another potential fix would be to clear your rolling cache as sometimes rhere will be an overlap in scenery you have previously stored there and the new content made available in the world update…

Eiffel Tower is world renowned. Now it’s part of the latest upgrade of Microsoft Flight Simulator. Along with the rest of France, the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxenburg. I installed the update today and am wildly excited. I think that should be celebrated with this little video. The next major upgrade will be Scandinavia. I am already looking forward. How many aircraft on the video did not ride under the Eiffel Tower.
Music “Eiffel Tour” by Les Sans Culottes,
(55) The trip under Eiffel Tower - YouTube

Eiffel Tower was in MSFS since day 1 judging by various old youtube videos.

I am sorry, but for me this is an AfterWar Update: why do I see this in Ultra mode?

I totally understand that. They pitched the game to be a perfect copy of the world with satellite data and such. Biting reality you cannot recognize most of the places.

Yeah, something like that… and it’s built for 500-1000Ft, not 100-200Ft altitude.

They minimize vertices in the scenery to optimize FPS also… at 200 feet, roofs are flattened, they get the texture of the aerial photograph, which was taken under another angle… so the roof looks like it collapsed. But actually it is just to have less vertices, Paris is relatively “quick” on FPS and I think it’s a lousy compromise for low altitude scenery-fans. The details are crumbled. But Amsterdam and Londen are far more crumbled and also slower than Paris. So maybe if you maintain the vertices, rounding errors may make the result even worse ! and slower… this is all new technology folks… better get used to changes… and updates… and take 400Ft distance, for now.

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