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. PC
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Brief description of the issue:
engine shutdown
Provide Screenshot(s)/video(s) of the issue encountered:
Detail steps to reproduce the issue encountered:
engine shutdown
PC specs and/or peripheral set up of relevant:
: PC AMD Ryzen5 5600X,6x3.7 GHz ; NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 12 GB. ; 32 GB DDR4-3200 ; SSD 1 TB/Crucial P1 ; Joystick Saitek X52 PRO.
Build Version # when you first started experiencing this issue:
Extra 330 LT , IBM Aircraft VL-3 , Cessna 152 Aerobatic , 152 Cessna , Beechcragf Bonanza G36, etc.etc.
This engine stall problem, is chronic in my case, especially with the Extra 330. It had been some time that its engine did not stall, (after the SU6) although it decreased its rpm to 1,500 rpm. Half a minute after take off. Today 11/09/2021 again the engines of the aforementioned aircraft and I guess many more (I have not tested them). I start them and they immediately stop again. Is this due to the modifications that Asobo is making to repair the deficiencies found after SU6? I don’t think so, but I don’t know.
I had all the Sims. Existing on the market, except DCS World. And never in any of them, I had such strange and repeated deficiencies as in this MSFS 2020. Frankly, I am very disappointed with this Sim. And…I was very satisfied with all versions of FSX and all previous versions of that series.
I hope someone will reply me to this thread and that these repeated engine stalls, will end after the next update.
Regards: Delfin
Today, worse than yesterday. Today the plane is presented on the runway with the engine already stopped. Very difficult to turn on; I need to repeat “Ctrl + E” a bunch of times to get it to turn on, then it repeats a behavior it had before SU6: after restarting the engine, it runs with non-uniform rpm; it goes in jerks (accelerates and decelerates with regular time intervals) until they stops again.
While in flight, with the engine’s rpm (and consequently, its power) failing, all the avionics on the instrument panel are turned off, all the digital displays are turned off.
How is it possible that from one day to another, this Sim, presents such an irregular behavior? Of couse, I did not make any change in any of the possible configurations, neither in general options, nor in assistance options, nor in control options; absolutely none, therefore, if I always fly in '“ready to fly”, how to explain these changes in the performance of the engines?
I have tried most propeller planes and they all have the same engine stall fault. However, third-party aircraft: (F-22 Raptor, Eurofighter Typhoon and, VL-3 Vertigo), work correctly.
Unable to start from runway since half an hour. All aircraft shut off after start accelleration.
Airborne works so far. Very strange behaviour again.
Hi @sehnsedahmses
After reading your post, I have runway tested the following aircrafts:
Extra 330 LT disastrous behavior with endless engine stalls; this is a chronic problem I have cn this aircraft.
JBM VL- 3 very irregular behavior in its power.
Robin Cap 10, just as bad as the Extra 330.
Cesna 152, works correctly
Cessna 172 Skyh…, continuous engine stalls.
Cessna Citation, works correctly
Regards: Delfin