Front View / No Instruments

Home Cockpit Builders are not even a thought for the MSFS 2020 Team. Lacking the most basic tools like a front view with no panel. Yes I know I can hack the Camera Config file coordinates … But that is what I get for buying the Deluxe Version. If they lack something as simple as this what will happen when attempting to integrate everything else on my setup. I don’t delete is because it was too painful to install. I’ll check from time to time but If I can’t see a commitment from Asobo / MS to Cockpit Builders no more money will be spent here. I will just have to spend it where our needs are considered and followed up on. Hope someone at MS is reading don’t loose your core customers that will potentially keep buying your products for decades to come. Turn this nice looking arcade airplane game into a real simulator. MSFS 2020 will be cold and dark on my SIMPIT until then.

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