A fenixlicious long weekend, isn´t it?
Hm I would like to create a few Frontier Airline liveries for the Fenix, because the Fenix is missing a few important animals… like the elusive Pika, the cute Snowshoe Hare, and the other bunny.
And of course this awesome cat here, which looks at least as awesome as the clouded leopard. A must-have for cat fans!
Some of these liveries might not be 100% accurate because a few of them were made for A319 and A321 but not A320 plane versions. But I want this on my Fenix that´s why I am looking for the original 2005 silver Frontier logo for the authentic snowshoe hare design to have some immersive Alaska flight liveries to begin with… I cannot find the silver font and old airline logo anywhere on Google.
And these planes have the name of the animal shown on it´s front area, which font is used for that?
Here is the first try of creating a new Fenix livery, creating the new Frontier design is one of the most difficult tasks because the tail fin, and the upper middle and lower rear end area of the Fenix are three different textures where the texture has to be warped around - and of course it should fit neatless.
(Not finished and not yet published)