FS crashing NVidia RTX 3080 after last update

I’ve had crashes to desktop like everybody else from time to time. But after the last update, something different is happening. The sim crashes during flight, and the display goes black. The computer keeps going and sounds like it crashes to desktop. However, until I hard power cycle the card it stays crashed. It looks like somehow the actual graphics card (or graphics drivers) are being toasted. Since it will survive through a soft reboot, I figure it’s the hardware being crashed not the drivers. I’ve disabled overclocking, etc.

Has anyone else experienced this phenomenon? To make it clear, this only started happening after the last update, and only with MSFS.

I think I have encountered something similar…

I followed this tutorial to underclock my 3080 with MSI afterburner :

90% of my crashes disappeared (I used to get an unrecoverable black screen, sim crashed but otherwise the PC was still running fine in the background, voice chat on Discord would still work for instance)

I still have occasional MSFS crashes now, but they don’t have the same error codes in the Windows event logs, and they are simple CTDs with no black screen, and no reboot needed

maybe check this thread out too…

3080/3090 Undervolt - Sim Update 8 Beta Testing / Install, Performance & Graphics - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums

I had exactly the same problem, I can no longer fly with msi afterburner

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