FS does not use my hardware to its full capabilities and runs on low FPS

Brief description of the issue: FS does not use my hardware to its full capabilities and runs on low FPS. I have a Dell XPS 15 7590 with i7-9750H and 32 GB DDR4 RAM, and an external RTX 2060 with 6 GB VRAM connected over Thunderbolt 3. I am running FS on an external FHD display at 1080p resolution. I get 16 fps in Ultra and just 22 fps in Low-end presets. I can confirm that none of my cores are being thermally throttled (1) or at 100% utilisation (2), yet the GPU TDP (3) remains low at 100 W (it does around 160 W, which is its rated TDP, in other games including X-Plane 11.50).

Provide Screenshot(s)/video(s) of the issue encountered:

Detail steps to reproduce the issue encountered: I start FS on laptop and start anywhere in any aircraft, I have unreasonably low FPS compared to others with the same GPU. I have never seen 30 fps in any setting.

Same problem for

million of diagrams and you not noticed the load of your GPU ?

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Might be a good idea to disable the on board uhd intel graphics card in the bios.
Is the external gpu running pcie x16 or x8 can check this in nvidia control panel by clicking on help at the top of the screen and clicking on system info, then scroll down to “Bus”

Have you also set the power plan to maximum performance?
ANy idea what speed the ram is?

The sim will use up the full gpu usage if it has the cpu to drive it.

According to this article on PCGamer, my GPU should be giving an average of 40 FPS on Ultra settings at 1080p:

(courtesy: PCGamer)

I expect a performance drop of around 20% due to my external GPU set up, but that only brings it down to 32 FPS, while I get 16!

Might be a good idea to disable the on board uhd intel graphics card in the bios.

It seems my BIOS doesn’t have an option to disable the Intel UHD chip entirely, but I tried disabling it in Device Manager, disabling the laptop display and using only the external display. I still get the same framerates.

Is the external gpu running pcie x16 or x8 can check this in nvidia control panel by clicking on help at the top of the screen and clicking on system info, then scroll down to “Bus”

It says it’s running on PCI Express x4 Gen 3.

Have you also set the power plan to maximum performance?

Yes, I use a high performance power plan in Windows Power Options.

ANy idea what speed the ram is?

It’s Corsair Vengenace 2666 MHz DDR4 sticks.

Do you use expensive active Thunderbolt 3 cable?
Otherwise you will get only half the performance of the interface.
Check your GPU with GPU-Z.
This are my values with a Nvidia 1650.

Thunderboldt3 will always give you less performance against PCI express.
Also your mobile CPU is a problem.

The best desktop cpus have a problem with high end GPUs when you have lots of objects in the sim.

Do you use expensive active Thunderbolt 3 cable?

I’m currently using the one that came with my enclosure, Lenovo BoostStation.

Here’s my GPU-Z results:

Though I still get around 20 fps in X-Plane 11 in 2160p with all settings maxed out, so 16 fps in Flight Simulator at a quarter of the resolution, 1080p, seems very disappointing. X-Plane also utilises my GPU better, going up around 90% of its TDP. I’m not a fan of X-Plane, just to be clear, I think it looks terrible and wish Flight Simulator would work for me!

I’m having the same issue. My CPU is severely underutilized, sitting at about 30% no matter what. I have the same CPU as you, and same GPU (i7-9750h with rtx 2060 mobile). I run at 1440p, high/ultra and only get 30fps in remote areas, 25 in suburbs, and around 18 in high crowded areas. Wish it would use my CPU more. GPU is getting using 100%.

Woah, you have a mobile GPU while I’m using an external desktop RTX 2060, yet you’re getting much higher FPS than me - I get nothing like 30 fps! Something is definitely really off in my setup.

It’s probably because you’re using an external GPU. Mine is all internal, PCIe express I think. Not Thunderbolt or anything. However it’s still noticeably laggy in crowded areas, which is expected on high/ultra I suppose. I appear to be mainly CPU limited, so I’ll try turning down my traffic settings. What location was your screenshot taken at?

they made the tests not with a Thunderbold connection, which is a point to mention.

What I would mention is, that your GPU runs in (near) full load. Therefore the “Limited by GPU”. Of course, this is within MSFS normal, there is still allways 100% :slight_smile:

Because 16fps… you have a 60fps monitor and Vsync on 30 ?


AND here is a thread which mention your 20% fps drop

( I have it not checked in deepth )

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