FS radio panel, very neat app

FSradio panel from Tambucho is a very helpful android app that can run on your tablet and give you all kinds of easy interaction with sim. Check it out in playstore.
It is easy to install on your tablet(ofcause), does require Fsuipc7 beta, which you will end up having to install at some point anyhow, and its own server Fspanelserver that can be downloaded from their site
It basically does what all the logitech panels does combined but at 15$. You can try a free demo.
Tried mostly because logitec panels, at the moment are more rare than plutonium.

PS I have no affiliation with the company at all, but searched this forum and found precious little so therefore this post


Well, they could just have used SimConnect, which is free…

Simconnect…I dont know why…but Fsuipc7 is free so far and atleast October.

Thanks for the heads-up! I just tried this and it’s really cool. Going to use my google survey credits for the pro version!!! Thanks

@Pieter1982NL I feel you. I slowly start to get tired of installing individual runtimes and interfacing tools for every new add on I run. Navigraph won’t run without Simlink, FSRadioPanel does nothing without its own server software and FSUIPC, LittleNavMap requires the LNMConnector and SimConnect, with the latter also being required by the Flight tracker being required by the Streamdeck software to communicate with the sim.

It’s all becoming a huge mess and I wonder from point onward scheduling all those tasks will start to eat away in-sim performance and, crucially, stability. If there only was a standardized interface the different devs agreed on…


There is :slight_smile: It is SimConnect :slight_smile:
FSUIPC7 interfaces via SimConnect :slight_smile:

FSUIPC is still used as pretty much a standard mainly due to it being developed for Flight Simulator 98 (maybe earlier?).

So developers have had a solid set of offsets that have been constant for well over 20 years whereas sim connect is a lot more recent and does not have the years of community support and integration that FSUIPC has.

I’ve looked at porting a couple of my apps to sim connect but the libraries and SDK are nowhere near as easy as FSUIPC. Not really worth the effort for something you do as a hobby.

I absolutely agree that this app is the single best add on app I’ve come across so far… I’m not gonna get into the “inteface” arguments, just take the app for what it is… 6 logitech screens for £10… and it works flawlessly…