FS2020 complete command list and meaning

Hi community.
New pilot here. There is so much commands available in the game, that you can bind to your controller/keyboard etc and honestly I’m kind of lost. So I was wondering if something was already existing.

For example what’s the difference between :

Toggle Autopilot Master and AutoPilot On / Autopilot Off ??

I feel I’m missing so much possibilities.

With Toggle, one button set it alternatively On and Off.
With separate On/Off you need two buttons.

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it is not so hard, try something like this Tutorial #2 - Peripheral Control Setup - Microsoft Flight Simulator - YouTube

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Thx alot for the help ! But I still think a complete list would be great ^^

Hope this helps;


I think what is being asked for is the definitions of each of these commands - that’s what I’m looking for. Some of them are obvious but some are not. There are many that seems like they would be the same but perhaps aren’t - or whose function is not at all clear. Surely this is documented somewhere?

Covered in the manual, which is super helpful:

Hi thanks - but there’s still a misunderstanding. Nothing to do with a particular plane or particular controller.
When you go into Options- Controller and you try to bind a switch , button , knob, etc, you get a list of commands that the Sim uses to trigger something.

Set Autopilot Airspeed hold
Autopilot Airspeed Hold
Autopilot Airspeed Hold On (and Off)
Toggle Autopilot Flight Level Change (and On/Off versions)

Many of these are intuitive - but some are not. And in some cases, there are multiple commands available that seem like they might do the same thing, but might also have some subtle difference (such as the first two on the list above). Or might not even do anything ( I understand there are some legacy functions that may not actually connect to any code in the current sim). I don’t know what the difference is between Set Autopilot airspeed hold and Autopilot Airspeed Hold.

Another example, there are commands for throttle thrust reverse (don’t remember the exact ones) that apparently don’t do anything. (There are threads here on that topic). Maybe they’re not currently implemented. Maybe they only work on particular planes. No way to know unless Asobo documents it.

Another example - there are commands for setting engine condition which would seem to be the right choices for the red mixture levers on a turboprop engine (since turboprops don’t have “mixture”). But apparently those don’t work. Whereas using the mixture commands (same ones that are used for piston engines) DOES work for setting condition on turboprops. So one wonders why there are separate commands for Condition - if the sim interprets Mixture to be the appropriate choice with a turboprop. Are there some situations or engines that DO use the condition commands? Are they non-functional? Why are they there?

What I’m looking for - and I suspect the OP as well - is a comprehensive list of the commands that show up as options for binding, and an explanation of what each does, whether it’s actually functional, whether it is a duplicate of something else, etc.
I’m not looking for a list of what is currently bound to particular keyboard short cuts or controllers - but an explanation of what each command does.
By the way, I submitted a wishlist request for this. If others agree, please vote accordingly.

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Hi all,

I have been searching for the same and it is really hard to find.
Most listings are for keyboard commands only.
But I finally succeeded here.

Hope that helps,

I think ‘Set’ refers to a function where the input is on while the button is pressed, and off when it’s released.

Set Autopilot Airspeed Hold -

Used with a physical toggle switch such as on the Warthog Throttle. When the switch is on, airspeed hold is on and vice versa.

Autopilot Airspeed Hold On / Autopilot Airspeed Hold Off -

Assigned to two different buttons, each explicitly turning it either on or off.

Autopilot Airspeed Hold -

Not clear from the name but according to the description on the right this is the toggle. One button will turn it on and off alternately.

Hi - appreciate the suggestion, but this is just another list of commands. Yes, it’s better organized, but you still need to know what each command does. Which - again - is self-evident for many but not for quite a few.

So again - I am looking for explanations of each command. What they do. What they are used for. How they differ from similar ones.

As much as I appreciate the various suggestions, lists of the commands with no explanation in whatever format or order, are not in short supply. I’ve got a half dozen of those.

Yes thank you. This answers one question. But again, I’m looking for a fully documented list of these.
The most helpful so far is the link earlier to the Events in the SDK docs. These have some descriptions and importantly, also indicate which ones are not actually functional in the SIM. (Quite a few).
It’s not the easiest source to use as it’s targeted at Devs, but at least it has much of that info.

All that’s needed is for someone at Asobo to take those and turn them into a doc that is organized like the Controller Options.
And also to remove non-functional commands from the interface. I think it’s incredibly sloppy that a user can assign a command/event to a controller that is known by Asobo/MS to not do anything! They could add a filter/switch to the interface that hides those. Or put that info in the name. Or just remove them because…why are they there if they don’t do anything???

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