FS2020 CTD Halfway Through Loading

I with my RTX 5080 can no longer play MSFS2020… The game encounters CTD halfway through loading. MSFS2024 works without any problems. Too bad!

Uninstall Nvidia app and restart PC.


Until NVIDIA fixes the application, please check what happens if you select DX12 instead of DX11 by manually editing cfg file.

To do this, you need to edit usercfg.opt file and modify the line
PreferD3D12 0
Change the number 0 to 1 and save the changes.


It works . Thanks !!

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You’re very welcome.
Fly safe :slight_smile:

How do i do this mate please?? Struggling to get 2020 to load past the loading screens :tired_face:

Unistall via Windows settings > Apps > Apps and features

I mean to edit the config file?

To do this, you need to edit usercfg.opt file and modify the line
PreferD3D12 0

Change the number 0 to 1

and save the changes.

Sorry for the silly questions how do i get to that? Im a pc newbie

Do you have Nvidia app installed? If so, do you actually need it?

Ive now deleted it just waiting for 2020 to re install

Ive nervous as hell thinking it wont work do you think it was possibily the nvidia app causing the issue?

If installed - Nvidia app causes a CTD during the loading process in MSFS 2020 if running in DX11 mode.

With Nvidia driver 572.16/572.42, Nvidia app and DX12 selected in MSFS 2020 a CTD won’t occur.

However, with DX11 selected in MSFS 2020, using the same latest Nvidia driver and Nvidia app, a CTD will occur.

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Im sure i selected dx11 last night in the sim last night before my issues started

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Just wanna say thank you so much mate ive actually loaded in again thank you thank you

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You’re very welcome.

Fly safe mate!

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Honestly mate i was stressed right out do you suggest i go to dx12 instead off 11 in the sim or??

For example - I don’t need Nvidia app, so I use DX11 in MSFS 2020. However, if you need Nvidia app, you must select DX12 in MSFS 2020 settings until Nvidia or Asobo releases a fix.

I think ill stay with dx11 then :joy: honestly mate thank you so much been a very stressful 24hours after spending 2k on a PC and that happen :joy:

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Glad I could help.
Fly safe.

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