FS2020 is not using all the GPU and CPU power in VR - Could this explain the low performance?

Sorry, I’m not quite sure what your test is here…you ran two scenarios and one performed much better? What were the two scenarios (it’s not super clear from the post, sorry…new to this), but I too have Oculus and would like to see if I can improve FPS

Thanks for the post!

I use a Pimax 5k+ so need to use SteamVR and suffer the same problem as people have pointed out in this thread (it seems so does everyone that has to use SteamVR for MSFS2020). I have a Ryzen 5600X, 32GB 4000MHZ B-Die RAM & a 3090FE. Even on very low settings with low res scaling the frametimes are huge and it stutters badly yet not a single core on the CPU seems to be utilised much and the GPU is sat doing basically nothing. Very strange behaviour and I havent experienced anything like this on any other VR sim/game to date including the likes of DCS, IL2, Project Wingman, Dirt Rally 2.0, RF2 etc etc so it must be a problem specific to MSFS2020 & especially when used with SteamVR in its current state.

I don’t use SteamVR and still have the same issue.

Wondering if anyone has found any other solutions / found the root cause.

I am running a RTX 2060 Super and only get 10-15fps.

Getting a “Limited by GPU” in dev console.

I have a 1080 SC, and the intel xeon 1231 v.3 3.4 ghz
16gb. I’m really really good at high and even ultra. But then again with a steady 25 fps It’s not too bad I am definitely happy. No stuttering. Gigabit Internet access probably helps.

The first is running before placing the headset on the head but with VR mode on in FS.

So FS is acheiving 32 fps in stereo.

When the headset is placed on the head and the oculus link kicks there is a drop of 10-15 fps. Mainly due to the cpu bottleneck and the gpu compression that oculys link uses.

I am also seeing this issue where the FPS doesn’t go above 18fps and the CPU and GPU are barely breaking a sweat in VR. About 30% usage on both. CPU and GPU ratchet up when I get out of VR and play in “regular non-VR” mode. Very Strange.

I’m using a Lenovo Explorer for VR which is 1440x1440 for each eye. The CPU is an AMD 3700X with 32GB memory. The GPU is a 1080 running the latest NVidia drivers.

I lowered all settings to OFF and LOW and all that did was make a

Smoother than what previous driver? 457.30?

Same issues here… 10900k/RTX 3080 and a reverb G2… Running at community recommended settings - 70 scaling in both OpenXR and MSFS, ASW, TAA enabled…

I am not seeing low GPU usage in this particular case… My GPU is pegged at 100%

I’d like to add that I noticed when I switch back to non-vr mode in MSFS. Framerates improve slightly, but the problems don’t go away until I quit out of the mixed reality portal. Once I quit out of that, the game goes back to being butter smooth with gpu at 10%…

So in my case, mixed reality portal appears to be a massive GPU hog…

Something about having the mixed reality portal open is what actually kills my performance.

I guess this is expected if this WMR portal display something in your headset even if you’re using the Sim on monitor. I have the same “problem” if I trigger the proximity sensor (E.g. with an object) of my Oculus Headset as it display the oculus Home environment, so the GPU have to handle both headset and monitor.

If nothing is displayed in your WMR headset and you see your monitor fps down, then, it’s not really optimized…

I actually have a good system. Bought in autumn last year. 10900K, 64GB RAM, 2 x Samsung SSD (1TB + 4TB), RTX3090, HP G2 …

Nevertheless, I can’t get away with microstuttering in MSFS. I tried pretty much all the tips but nothing helped.

In early January, I installed OpenXR from the Windows Store. microstutters has always remained. Since it didn’t work, even with TAA 50%, I uninstalled OpenXR again and suddenly Windows didn’t make any updates anymore. So system reinstalled and just continue using X-Plane.

Last week I tried it again, installed OpenXR, optimized and tried everything, but the stuttering has remained, so OpenXR has been uninstalled again (to get defaults) and suddenly Windows hasn’t made any updates again. I tried everything to get Windows to make updates again, didn’t work. So system reinstalled for the 2nd time.

Meanwhile I fly in X-Plane again, until VR in MSFS is optimized …

Have you tried setting Low Latency to ultra in Nvidia Control Panel?
Got rid of my microstutters completely. Worth a shot.

Thanx, have try it. Got a little better, but it’s still jerky … and only with the Chessna. In X-Plane I also occasionally jerk, but only at large airports in conjunction with airliners.

I think there are just too many adjustments that can be made. Too many combinations. I sat for days to get it done. Now I don’t feel like it anymore. I want to fly in VR and no longer tinker with the system settings. That’s why I’m waiting for the next update and will continue to fly in X-Plane. The world is not as beautiful as in MSFS, but flying in an airliner is still nicer, because everything is in VR (cockpit) … controller, cards, desktop and if need be, even with music video :o)

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Honestly though… It shouldn’t kill the performance like it does… The game runs far better in my Quest 2 and looks almost as good… So, sadly, I am gonna return my Reverb G2 for now…

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