FS2020 trailer playlist

If you ever get into a rut thinking Fs2020 is so disappointing take some time out of your busy schedule and run this playlist .
If might give you a different outlook…


It does look amazing. However for good simulation it takes a little bit more than good visuals but I understand that for “common users” it is completly fine.

What is the most dissapointing for most of the “complainers” is the lack of realism. Physics feel a little bit arcadish and weather is nowehere near to be accurate or represent any real challenge for the sim pilot.

Asobo is well aware of it, basicly in every Q&A it is being talk about theese topics, they promised to improve it, fix it, add new realism improvments…Yet we are getting more and more world updates and stuff like that Halo space ship and so on.

However if you enjoy it, dont get anyone else to talk you out of What you like.


Without question it’s easily one of the best games I’ve ever played. I certainly can’t tell you how accurate or inaccurate the physics are, because I’m not a pilot, but the visuals are phenomenal, sounds are phenomenal, and most importantly to me, the ability to fly over the entire world was a huge draw. I love exploration, and I’ve always been addicted to looking at satellite imagery, so this is about as good as it gets for me. Sure, there is plenty of room for improvement overall, and we’ll see what they do with it over the next decade. But even as it is right now, it’s incredible. I never expected anything like this would exist and it’s opened up so much opportunity.


I think it is very good although I do not consider myself as a common user.


Comparing xplane11 vs msfs vs a real piper … MSFS came closer to what ive felt in a real cherokee or C172. This is all subjective. Until we all get $85,000 hardware, they all will feel archadey. Even p3d, even xplane.


Here we go again with the gamer/common user/serious simmer division
I had a discussion yesterday on my flight school where they were setting up a VR (Pimax) simulator for practicing procedures.
They had XP11.55 installed. Why? Yes the MSFS has clearly better visuals, but the flight model… you know, the same story as always.

But… nobody, not even a RL pilot, has been able to pinpoint exactly why they are saying it. My opinion: it’s a myth that has been successfully built around XP (all respect for the devs though). But further than ‘it just feels more realistic’ people hardly ever come. Or they resort to technical arguments, because of which the model should clearly be better than the other.
Maybe this is not the thread for my reaction here, but your line triggered me to write this.

Both sims have a different approach to the flight model, but the end result is a fairly accurate flight simulation experience in both too.


FS2020 is not at all disappointing in terms of graphics. The problem is graphics alone don’t make a good flight simulator.


Not disappointed with it, but as an Xbox user all I ask for is decent stability and performance and as sim like as possible. I’m not interested in Top Gun, Halo addons, but appreciate that some are and its no problem having these options for people.


Also improvements to realism and weather, as evident in release notes with every SU that comes our direction.

World updates and new planes are pretty much all outsourced to 3rd parties, anyway.


Your not saying that FS2020 is only a graphical program are you?

I am a real pilot, in fact, I am a CFI, CFII, MEI and I spend most of my working time in $14 million Full Flight Simulators teaching certified pilots at the type rating level. I am not just a back seat bandit but a UPRT instructor as well so I spend a good amount of time upfront. I also work with my company in the certification of devices. I have decades of time flying real airplanes and over a decade of pushing pixels.

MSFS is darn good for what it does, that is a flight simulation product that is designed to be run on a single computer system. IMHO the flight dynamics on the detailed modeled aircraft are as good, if not superior to that other development project named above.

Is it as good as an FSTD? No, not near. The Flight Dynamics are still off and the avionics in MSFS remain basic. At the type rating level, we don’t teach people to fly, we teach them systems, procedures, and use of avionics. Then again is an FSTD as good as a real airplane? Nope, it is a sim with sim problems.

Simulation is still not as good as the real world, no matter if you pay a $60 entry fee or a $14 million entry fee. People wanting to compare simulation to the real thing just need to get over themselves. It is how good it is considering the cost and the platform it runs on. Since the platform is primarily designed for entertainment, you have to ask yourself are you entertained? Not if you can use the product for the training of real-world procedures for which it is not certified. If you want to train go pay $8000 for a BATD.


No, most obviously not.

Say something loud enough and frequently enough and somebody somewhere will take that as fact and repeat it as such to others :slightly_smiling_face:

Oh … and by the way, that’s a fact :hugs:


That sounds familiar

Yes, I believe that i’ve said it before in other forum threads :slightly_smiling_face:


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Facts, please, facts. Not emotions or other vague gut feelings :grinning:

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I can pinpiont whole lists of things which are not there or they are wrongly implemented.

For example:

  • missing slat simulation
  • lack of inertia
  • stalling is user friendly I would say
  • weak to non existent prop drag
  • pitch autority
  • elevator deflection in relation to speed
  • Icing is very user friendly
  • no wake turbulence
  • CB clouds without updrafts/ downdrafts, basicly only light chops in the cloud, no microbursts
  • no windshear
  • density of the air in relation to temperature and humidity
  • no wind gusts

I have to correct you, it is not a myth, xplane is FAA certified for FNPT2 simulators yet it doesnt mean that it is perfect. It is not…

Reason why we are having this conversation is, that I really would like to have MSFS as real as possible and you are already loving it and trying defend or justify why are you using it. It is defintely not a bad simulator, otherwise I wouldnt waste my time here either.


The big myth with XPlane is that using blade element theory it can take any shape and analyse exactly how it would behave in an airstream and hence avoid lookup tables and other fudges. You design the shape right and it will fly like the real thing.

Problem is blade element theory whilst good, is not THAT good. A lot of tweaking is still needed.

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Austin Meyer is an aeronautical engineer who designs his own aircraft and companies who manufacture real aircraft rate XP11 highly. The reputation the sim has for flight modelling is not unfounded. That isnt to say that MSFS is not close, I am sure it is and getting better but that doesnt alter the fact that XP11 and soon XP12 may well always lead the field in this regard, and that is OK, it doesn’t take anything away from what MSFS delivers.