I used to be able to drop into instrument view mode, now it seems to just look left or right ??
Of the three 2024 aircraft I have tried they definitely have instrument views.
Hmm, I wonder if you could please tell me the name of one of them. I can check my controller configuration. Also, do you know where the instrument views are stored.? I guess they’re in the cloud now.
Tried SR22T, Corvallis TTx and Vision Jet, all have instrument views.
The standard bindings that I use are “Toggle Instrument View X”
Substitute a 1-10 for X.
Thanks. I can manually select the instrument views via the in flight menu, but the controls and keys assigned to step through them forward and back don’t seem to work. The same control has ben assigned to quick look left and right. This takes preference over the instrument view stepping. The Asobo default config assigns the same controller switch for both functions. It used to be that stepping downwards would switch into instrument view mode. Am I missing a setting someahere?
I’ve found that you need to choose one of the instrument views first, then the next/previous toggles will swap through them
That’s how it was since 2020? My stock config had the same in both versions via 4-way toggle button
CTRL + 1 - 10 were in 2020 but not in 2024
That’s the difference I think. In 2020 if you kept doing Previous Pilot View it would put you into Instrument view with the last click (so to speak) then you could do the next / previous view to switch between them instead of the keyboard shortcuts as you use. In 2024 continued previous pilot view clicks end in the Close View.
I don’t know if this is a change by design or not but I will miss being able to drop into the instrument views this way if it is because I could do this quickly from the mapped button on my yoke/joystick.
I cant see where to assign a button to switch into instrument view
I don’t think there is one - you need yo select one of the specific views
Ah yes. Thanks. I just assign a button to instrument view 1.
I think this should be submitted as a bug. Toggling through instrument views using the Previous and Next pilot positions with a joystick button is much better than fumbling with keyboard.
I assigned on my keyboard for it to go to instrument view 1. I assigned on my hotas stick for cycling instrument views with the mini stick and it cycles between these weird out of cockpit almost on the nose of the plane views. This game man. I even set everything back to default and unbinded everything from my cycle buttons to have only them as any possible input . Still no joy.