FS2024 Turn Off TrackIR in the Menu

Is it possible to turn off TrackIR in the main menu? It’s really distracting and it goes from just looking at the globe move but then just goes haywire and everything is flashing. Just let me turn it off in the menu, there’s no need for it.


Hi @SharpeXB ,

Thank you for this report. We’ve moved your topic into the User Support Hub.

The Bug Reporting Hub is for posting suspected or confirmed bugs that other users are able to reproduce without duplicating an existing bug report. Using the template or providing all the relevant information about your bug and sim setup is required in order to provide valuable information, feedback, and replication steps to our test team.

If you are not sure if your issue is a bug or need further input from the community, please use the User Support Hub category. If the community can replicate your issue, first search the Bug category to see if there’s an existing topic. If it already exists, contribute to that report. Duplicate bug reports will be closed.

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The answer is, no. And pausing TrackIR won’t help either. It is seriously seizure inducing! I’ve never had animations cause sickness before but FS 2024’s globe based animations do. Weird.

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This definitely belongs in the bug section. It’s a big problem, especially since apparently pausing TrackIR doesn’t solve it.

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Yep, looks like a bug, I have experienced it myself :slightly_frowning_face:.
Some recommendations when creating a bug:

  • prior to create it, search if an existing one has been created
  • if no existing bug exists, create a new one, including only 1 issue per topic, using the provided template. Don’t delete it, it is very useful for the devs and other users that want to participate to it.

Have a look at that report:

I set a button on my yoke to toggle head tracking. It works in the menu screens, too. It’s annoying that I have to keep pressing it though. Main menu toggle head tracking off Start a flight and appear in walk around mode. Toggle head tracking off Switch to cockpit camera. Toggle head tracking off Switch to external camera. Toggle head tracking off

There needs to be a way to have it off by default.

For now, I hit the re-center hotkey then pause hotkey (F12 & F9 for me) very quickly in that order and it will stop the movement. Hopefully this gets fixed soon.

I have the same problem and hope it gets fixed soon!

It’s still not fixed. Why is headtracking enabled in menu anyways?
Are developers not informed? Can someone please forward it?

This appears to be fixed now. Thanks!