Hi Group, Since a couple of days I have problems connecting FS2Crew with the flightsim msfs-2020. I have updated to v1.21.47. Severel times a have reinstalled the program without any succcess. I have followed the steps which
was recommanded on discord.(Discord) Is there anybody who is able to assist me? Thanks in advance, Cheers, King.
It looks like you have it running / trying to start while MSFS is loading…
What happens if you just wait until your in the cockpit and then launch it from the toolbar?
Thanks for your reply. I have disabled RAAS in EXE.xml and opened in the msfs-2020 after loading. If you may see, that it is still not working.
Are there any logs?
I have tried to find them but there are no logs and even not this line.
C:Users your user name DocumentsFS2Crew Command Center Logs