[FSB] Akansas - 50 USA States Tour

About the event

Welcome to the 50 USA States Tour as we fly each state on event day. We will probably fly multiple states when we get to smaller ones in the future. We begin with a quick flight in Arkansas. We will take a 10 minute break at KBPK.

And as always with Flight Sim Break, Join when you can, leave when you must!

Flight Plan  

IFR West Memphis Mun (KAWM) to Rogers Mun-Carter (KROG).pln (2.8 KB)

Arkansas flight in about 17 hours tonight! See you there!

About 4 hours before event. Join us!

Had a user on Discord ask what server you’ll be using, might be useful to provide that info in your first post.

East USA Server. It’s listed in the event image above :slight_smile: Starts in about 1 hour, and PC & Xbox welcome! FSB events are always on the East USA Server! Thanks for asking!

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