FSIMSTUDIOS Billy Bishop CYTZ Update 1.1.0 is live and soooooo good!

I bought this last night from Contrail. My hope, that it would jive with Roman Designs GTA. No, not only doesn’t, the CN tower is way, way too small (They double when run together, as well, and horrible performance). Leaves me in a pickle, love this airport, and it’s the one I use the most. But, unless the freeware GTA can be matched or exceeded, this takes away from the experience. It was nice to see traffic lining up to take off, 2 waiting for me to depart. Another but, adding in only 20 plus buildings in Toronto has me wishing that they would offer another file with the Toronto scenery excluded until way more complete. The buildings do look nice, just so much missing with RD GTA not in the mix. Their Rogers Center is next level however

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And this is the reason I won’t buy this airport. The Roman Design freeware pack for the GTA is amazing and adds a lot more for me than this new CYTZ would. If the 2 played well together, I’d be all over this airport. As it stands, it’s a no-go for me.

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Fixes are coming!!! Tower will be the proper height for those who want to run it now, and an exclusion is coming so we can run Roman Designs until the city scape is complete!!!

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As mentioned by Tony, we are currently working on an update to correct some of these issues.

The CN Tower height (which was accurate at 553.3 Meters, however, the photogrammetry is heavily distorted vertically). The height will be corrected to match the distortion.

We will also add the option to completely deactivate Downtown Toronto, keeping only the airport, to ensure compatibility with Roman Design’s Toronto freeware product.


Top quality dev and customer support right there!!! Thank you sir!!!

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This is how it looks with the update in place and compatibility running for Roman Designs GTA… Stunning!!! There are also options to turn off the interior of the terminal, and 3d people to save on frames.

EDIT: It is super light on framerates, I have every Roman Designs airport loaded in as well as Fly Tampa CYYZ, Accuseason, Taburet Roads Canada, LFVR Global Vehicle Traffic, LFVR AREX, Aerosoft Simple Traffic, Gaist, Seafront sims, We Love Vfr Animations version on a TLOD 5.00. At this LOD, It is all loaded up right from take-off. Might have missed a few addons for the area

Couple more shots

Just posted another thread that the release on the XBSX is causing CTDs for me. Not sure if this is a known issue or not. Happens after the loading screen and before you press the fly now button.

I was looking at buying this airport but I really like the photogrametry with its better (imo) aerial imagery.

Is there a way to have only the airport (runways, taxiways, buildings, etc) with the default aerial and PG?

This is a recent ORBX purchase for me…

On the FSimStudios website I noticed it says:
“IMPORTANT: Asobo’s CYTZ must be deactivated for the product to work properly.”

What is best way of doing this? Should I delete the Asobo CYTZ in content manager?


Yes, that is how I would do it


This is a great looking airport. Much better than the “bespoke” Asobo CYTZ.

Good to know, its one I haven’t picked-up yet.

The best way to run this is in combination with Samscene’s Toronto, or Roman Designs GTA (This one is freeware) You want to go into the settings for CYTZ and run compatibility for Roman Designs GTA. Yes you do this if you buy Samscene Toronto as well. This will remove FsimStudios’ CN Tower, which looks a bit squashed. All in all its a very nice airport. Looks awesome at night.

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Note: Performance improved significantly after de-activating Asobo CYTZ. All airport options are maxed out including internal building views.

I’ve been so impressed with this airport that I am now buying more FSIMSTUDIOS airports. Great visuals while maintaining high performance. Top quality developer!

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Until someone comes up with a decent Dash 8, it’ll get no further than my wishlist. But I have three other FSS airports (CVYR, CYWG and CYYC) and despite not being the most detailed out there they have a certain authenticity that’s hard to put a finger on. Reminiscent of Flightbeam, if you aske me.

How much does the Billy Bishop add-on enhance Samscene3D’s Toronto?