For about the past year, I’ve been getting many FSLTL aircraft, especially on approach, just floating slowly in the air. My Beech Baron goes whizzing past a 737 on final. It’s rather ridiculous lol! Does anybody know why this is happening with my FSLTL? Thx!
Probably to ensure correct spacing, especially from user aircraft… With the poor AI traffic system from Asobo, that is the only solution to avoid multiple aircraft landing next to each other on the same runway.
Previously, one could do this using AI Flow and AI Grownd software, but FSLTL have added it to their own injection.
I was parked at KSEZ yesterday with FSLTL active (new FSLTL user here.) An airline took off in front of me, and when it reached the end of the runway it vanished, like it went into hyperspace.
I’m going to invesigate further.
In and around the airport, the actual sim takes over. Thus, FSLTL and AIG have no impact on them sadly.
What do you mean by that?
The first time turned the sim’s traffic off and loaded FSLTL, I launched at a gate at a big airport and the taxiways and runways were filled with airplanes. That never happened with the sim traffic on.
FSLTL only injects the traffic into the sim, that is all it really does, once injected the default sim AI traffic engine takes over completely with handling the FSLTL AI models.
I had a weird one last week, was in KBOS waiting in line for the active runway, when about 30 AI aircraft all headed to the same runway to land in really quick succession. It was raining AI aircraft at that point. Lol. I’ve not seen that before or since.
The original poster mentioned floating aircraft on runway. I too have had this hapen a few times. Not often though.
It’s the sim AI engine, it can be flakey and weird sometimes. The issues that the default engine has get magnified more when you inject a lot of extra traffic in.
So even though I turned traffic OFF in the sim, the sim engine handles the FSLTL traffic. Thanks for the explanation.
Yes. I have all in sim AI traffic set to off, but FSLTL traffic is injected into sim and sim AI engine handles it. There are a few limited parameters that can be subsequently controlled and that is what some recent addtions in FSLTL try to do eg. approach heights and speeds do and so do other add ones like AI Ground / AI Flow, but it’s still the default sim AI engine that they are trying to tweak with these parameters with varying degrees of success.
One recent thing that came to mind was SU13 I think which accidentaly made default sim engine have AI aircraft touch down and land about 1/2 way down the runway, so FSLTL made a tweak to allow them to land earlier. Then SU14 fixed this issue.
AI engine updates have been slowly improved over time, but changes & fixes seem to take forever.
Very interesting information. I’m glad to know it wasn’t anything with my system, as that seems to be the first thing we all think of when things go wrong lol! I suppose new programs like BeyondATC will eventually fix these issues. I certainly hope MSFS 2024 will!
Thx all!!