FSLTL - FS Live Traffic Liveries is live!

I have seen it go to 240 or so. Never anywhere near 500 though.

I get that if there is no landing traffic there will be no landing traffic. I only stated that it seemed a little odd that in a half hour or longer at Boston Logan there were no landings, not even anything in the surrounding area inbound. Again, I did say it was possible that there were actually no arrivals.

I think the max sim object count could most likely the reason, assuming there were actually arrivals in the area. If all or nearly all of the gates are occupied, plus airborne traffic, plus busses, trucks, etc. I’m sure that limit is easily reached at a busy airport.

I did have the radius set to 50km where I normally have it set to 200km (with a much lower IFR count) so that could have an effect also.

All that said, it was a great flight and very nice to have an extended AI/ATC experience in FS2020 in which I did not see or hear any blatant stupidity from both. It actually felt like I was flying (that ‘immersion’ word that FS keeps breaking) rather than testing, nice change of pace. Gives me hope.

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SU11beta? Arrivals/landings are broke/missing with SU11beta.

It was SU11. I know there are issues with arrivals and departures but they are still there. Just porked as you said.

Suppose I could go back to SU10 and try the same thing. Be an interesting test :thinking:

Landings are are fine in SU10. Dev is going as far as saying SU11 isn’t currently supported until Asobo come back to answer a few ?'s on simconnect injected AI traffic in SU11.

Right, I saw that so I’m not bothered by FSLTL not working 100%. Still works well enough and gives a little more control than the sim at the moment. Great product and much apricated by myself and I’m sure others.


I’ll try that setting on my next flight. It was set to 12% but maybe that was too high?

Running SU11 Beta? It’s a regression bug. At some airports it seems to delay seeing any arrivals unless you were to wait an hour after starting the injector.

I see a lot of traffic on the map within 5 minutes. Mostly IFR at 30000+ altitude

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Yes, and not dealing with arrivals can be nice. I’m shocked by how well departures work with AI as I hardly ever saw a departure prior to using FSLTL. Perhaps no arrivals or departures could be a FSLTL option!

Asobo actually coded ATC for things that don’t happen in the sim with default traffic behavior.

Occasionally they happen in SU11. I was #2 behind a jet that actually didn’t have a go-around call. It then did the slow taxi and didn’t vacate.

I decided to ignore the go around and all ATC did was keep asking to acknowledge the last transmission. I guess my copilot pretended not to hear, like in the movies. :smiley: I just switched over to ground and all was fine.

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So they havent fixed the slow to vacate runway issue? That was one of the main AI issues with knock on effects to departing traffic backing up and go arounds. I can’t believe they haven’t addressed that yet.

I cant believe several things regarding AI traffic. To me, all about traffic they advertised MSFS was a balant lie, not less and not more. Heck, even if they would have simply ported the FSX AI engine 1:1 into MSFS, it would be ages better than this not even half baked rubbish we have atm…

I do have a fear that we just get more an more small tweaks that fix one thing and break two others. It’s very annoying. Perhaps they be best to open it up and let 3rd party develop the AI better from the ground up. Although I keep hearing that WT are supposed to be doing that, but when exactly?

I hope they don’t release SU11 with all these traffic bugs, therefore they should delay the release and fix all the main issues.

No way they delay SU11 (anniversary). Maybe if they could hold the AI traffic part of the release up and keep it in beta. Not long before SU11 release, what is it 3 weeks away?

It doesn’t sound promising (expand for list of issues observed by this user) -

Update is released through the FBW installer. :man_fairy:


SU10. This is the problem when they all depart at the same time. Holding short at KBOS 4R. Think it might take a while until it’s my turn…

Diverting to KORH Worchester Regl to get the update :slight_smile:

Lots of great changes!


If anyone’s using the latest version on SU11 Beta, now the generated AI aircraft that are en route already injected with 0 knots at 36000ft or etc. and they disappear afterwards.

We aren’t actively supporting SU11 due to it being in Beta and a number of new issues arising.

Either way though for product support come over to the discord (as in keeping with T&Cs for the forums - 3rd party product support insn’t allowed)…

However what i will say is that in most cases people have set their removal time way too low in the earlier injector versions due to an issue with the logic for that setting. 120 seconds is a good setting. You probably have this set at 30 seconds or less and hence you are seeing changes in SU11 be more of an issue.


So I’ve finally got ground traffic working. I think the issue might have been that my firewall wasn’t playing nicely with FSLTL. Took off late PM from KBOS (RWY 4R), the queue looked the same as the picture posted above. It actually looked pretty close to a typical Logan rush hour. Would have been perfect, the thing that caused the massive traffic jam was how long it takes a landing aircraft to vacate the active runway. If it wasn’t for the fact that a single jet locked up 4R for nearly 5 minutes while is taxied the length of the runway at a walking pace, the take-off process would have been pretty close to the real thing. Truly hope that Asobo (or anyone else) can find a fix for that issue.