FSLTL - FS Live Traffic Liveries is live!

I’ve set generics to off by editing the .cfg files in the Official folder. But I fail to see the advantage of running default real-time online at the same time as FSLTL injected traffic.

And I don’t get the emphasis on making sure the AI offline slider is set to zero. When using real-time online traffic there won’t be any offline traffic…

It is so you can run FSLTL/AIG instead of the generic Asobo aircraft it’s your choice , follow my guide it works but is up to you

Plus you do get all traffic using the injector , take off and landings

If you want MSFS AI traffic logic, you do not nned to run the FSLTL injector.
Just deactivate the generic models by editig the cfg files and set in sim traffic to “real world online”.

Thats all it needs.

You can run AIGround and / AIFlow along woth it, if you like.

But do not run FSLTL together with Real-World online if you want anyrhing close to realism as you will end up with two sources injecting the same traffic to the sim.

And forget about the slider setting in sim, as this only affects offline AI but not real world online traffic.


If you set the sim sliders to zero nothing gets injected check little nav map , plus the airport will be empty

Inject FSLTL and it comes alive, not at pc so cannot verify your comments

Plus you didn’t read my guide I’m not using ai offline I’m using ai real world traffic set to zero

Sorry running out of battery on my phone so if I don’t reply I’m out of juice

When i set the slider to zero, then switch to Real world online and load into flight i have real world traffic injected by the sim.
I get the FSLTL and AIG models, but not matching the real airlines.

When i then start the FSLTL injector even more flights get injected.

Seeing it right in front of me on my PC while typing this on my mobile…

There is a reason, why the slider is greyed out when chosing real-world online. It is a setting not used with this setting. It is for AI offline and defines how many flightplans shall be used.

When chosing real world online you get exactly that: the real world traffic. It is all or nothing.

Just set real world traffic, have your skider at 0 and go to a busy airport without FSLTL and you will still see traffic spawning.


There are two sliders in sim they need to be set to zero , ai in air and on ground
And down below use generic traffic
set too off in fact all off apart from traffic variation, set that to utra the si m can’t spawn aircraft if you have set everything to zero

You will know if you did it right because if you spawn at gate with the settings I said , and you have disabled ALL generic traffic there will be no aircraft at the airport except yours , then you can inject FSLTL

Looks to me you have set ai traffic in air to zero but forgot to set ai ground to zero, will pick this up later feel free to post me but I am out and have 3% battery left replying to all the threads :joy:

Belive me, I did exactly as you suggest and I have plenty of AI traffic at LOWW right now.

Just do all you suggest but do not start FSLTL, spawn to a major airport and see it yourself.

Here you can see my settings, my airport amd that i have no FSLTL injector running…


It says icao_generic=1. Right?

I got rid of the white leveries by simply copying the texture files of airliner with the same aircraft to the zzz liverie (only watch that you use a same model as the zzz aircraft (look in the aircraft.cfg))

Because I fly a lot in Holland I replaced (when possible) the white textures with KLM.

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Setting AI Offline traffic to 0 has absolutely no effect on RealTime traffic. The reason the slider is greyed out when RealTime Traffic is selected is because it has no bearing on that mode.

To put it another way, setting the Offline slider to 50% then selecting Real World Traffic does not mean you only get 50% of the available real traffic. Nor does it make a difference if it’s set to 100%.

Real World traffic is either ‘On’ or ‘Off’. There is no in-between.

Sadly we’re just going to have to wait this one out until all parties find a way to sort out the mess that SU11 has created.


in LOWW are some aircraft delver with the AddON , I have no idea how to tremove them, this is not Asobo

So maybe I don’t have any issues going on🤷🏻‍♂️ Because I landed and the airport was populated pretty good. Once I taxied you my gate and de boarded I’m pretty sure maybe 2 flights landed and then a jet blue flight pushed back and took off.

So maybe I just was not patient enough! I think I was assuming I’d be seeing a line of them waiting to take off like previous versions of FSLTL.

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Yes, there are static aircraft that come with the Scenery by Gaya.
But I removed them long ago by using this Mod:

There are no static aircraft in my picture. This just Real-World Online in-Sim Traffic.

Just try it by yourself.
When in Settings under Traffic “Real-World” online is selected (and you have online connectivity) you will have Traffic, no matter if you set 0 for Offline traffic by the slider.

If you start the FSLTL injector on top of that, it will add even more traffic, but it is basically twinning, just collecting the real world data from a different source.

The advantage of in-Sim Traffic is, that it spawns instantly and gives you landings. For me it gives more traffic than before as well.
Disadvantage is, that modelmatching isn’t working as well as with FSLTL.

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Exactly, look I posted this up, people arent patient enough, this is not a dig at you but I’m sitting at LOWW had about 5 landings and 4 take offs in half an hour
Patience is the key
I wish people would re read my guide before posting

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I’m using default LOWW and have take offs and landings on both runways that criss cross
I don’t know if you have read my guide but something is not right with your set up as I get all local liveries , landings, takeoffs, maybe it’s your FSLTL/AIG settings
What are they may I ask?
Also when I spawn at LOWW I get no traffic until I inject
Now if this an issue with your payware airport I’m not a developer so it beats me
The Korean air you see is an FSLTL aircraft departing to IRKN Seoul, I’m sure it flies to Vienna so it’s not out of place

Not sure where you are going with this , my comprehensive guide details it all
I’m not a developer but the fixes in it work so use it or not
It’s up to you
Sorry but it does work , it needs patience not like when FSLTL came out and you had 10 aircraft all taxiing to the active it doesn’t do that now but you do get a couple follow each other and it’s a quick fix , planes take off and they land and taxi to gate
So in that sense it’s working
Check your settings in FSLTL if you wanna tweak I have mine at 90 planes limit 80 kmh

I’m not going anywhere, just simply stating fact.

The percentage slider for offline AI traffic has no effect on Real World Traffic. Whatever else you might have changed is likely giving you the result you’re seeing, but this specifically (setting the Offline AI slider to 0) is doing nothing.


Ok, your opinion
Does my guide work for you?
Are you happy now you have take offs and landings?
Or do you still have issues

Look I’m not being rude but my guide is working for me and hopefully everyone else , that’s all that matters
Yes Asobo bring on a fix , oh wait a minute that will be in February 2023

Like I have said time and again
They take off
They land go to gate
Correct liveries for the area
Smoke on tyres when landing, flaps
Even show up on vfr map

Please edit your your handy comprehensive guide to change

there is an entry called icao =1 change this to 0 save and exit, do this for every generic folder


there is an entry called icao_generic =1 change this to 0 save and exit, do this for every generic folder

Thank you.


I’m not arguing, or giving my opinion. As I’ve already said I’m simply stating fact regarding the Offline AI slider.

Nothing more.