FSLTL unable to spawn aircraft at FSimstudio/Texan Sims Houston Hobby KHOU?


Purchased the above a couple of days ago. Lovely airport, however FSLTL appears unable to spawn aircraft on the ground — and whenever an AI aircraft lands, it rolls to the runway then disappears. Can’t seem to find any references to known issues between the scenery and FSLTL so wondering if anyone has experienced the same?

I have contacted FSimStudios but they’ve not (yet) responded.


Moved to User Support Hub Scenery & Airports that is more appropriate for community support.

  • If you remove that addon, do you have FSLTL traffic at KHOU ?
  • When you have that addon installed and you start FSLTL, do you seen aircraft injected in the FSLTL window at KHOU ?

I don’t know which 3rd party is used on that 1 year old promotional video but traffic is there:

You can also post your question in that topic, hopefully another user that has this addon and FSLTL can test.