
Hello where do you put the FSUPIC program in MSFS i’m setting up ACARS for my virtual airline, thanks

FSUIPC is not compatible with FS2020… It’s only for FSX, FSX-SE, Prepar3D…

ok thanks for the info

There is a FSUIPC7 beta, made for FS2020


There is the FSUIPC7 as Beta for the MSFS.

AwesomeBlack533 was faster :unamused: :wink:


But you got the link


Both did better than me! I wasn’t aware of a beta… I want to have a play now!


Just keep in mind it’s free as long as it’s in beta. After that you got the pay for the license, as always with FSUIPC


I would caution using the beta. It’s real buggy and has a tendency to stop working in the middle of a flight. Also, it’s not fully functional. I have it, but stopped using it until more stable version comes out.

This as well as the beta has caused stuttering for me - roughly a 80% drop when it occurs.

I had issues with it too. It was causing erratic behaviour in the flight controls when using it with Spad.Next so I stopped using it. But maybe it works ok with ACARS which may just read data.

I have not had any issues since the patch update.
I use “Linda” that uses FSUIPC and it works ok, no stuttering.
My acars from my VA also works ok.

Hurry to get FSUIPC7 before it costs about $30. But of course the paid version will no longer be Beta.

I have no problem paying for the release version. I have been using FSUIPC with no issues in FS2004/FSX, Steam, and P3D.

I can not imagine flying without it.

Was that prior to the latest patch, or after? Asobo/MS fixed a well-known SimConnect performance issue.

With FSUIPC7 it is stand alone now. Just make a folder anywhere on your PC and run it from there. It doesnt need to go in to msfs folders

One cautionary note that I learned having never used FSUIPC before. When I attempted to load a flight from its menu while sitting on the ground in the plane, it crashes the sim to the desktop. Believe it is a known issue.
Other than that once it’s connected to the sim you are good to go. Using Plan-G here for mostly VFR.

hello everyone i just did a flight for Elite Air Taxi and FSUPIC worked perfectly without a hitch maybe they did something to it or i just got lucky

Irksome, the license on the beta will expire. If you want the real thing, which I recommend, you’ll have to pay.

I just saw that a new update was posted yesterday. I have the one prior to that. I’ll have to try it and see if the crashing was fixed.