Fulcrum Throttle Quadrant

The Fulcrum throttle is now in pre-production. Getting closer.


Very cool! Looks promising! Can you maybe share more details or maybe even images?

There are more details including images on the Fulcrum Simulator controls website.


Being an early yoke customer I received an email from Fulcrum saying the quadrant is now available for pre-order and is currently expected to ship in Feb. I’ve been waiting patiently for this and now the wait is nearly over so my order is in and my fixed wing setup is almost complete for now.
The dream team:- Fulcrum One Yoke, Fulcrum Throttle and Thrustmaster TPR pedals.

For this quality and at these prices I don’t think you can do better.


Still awaiting my throttle too !shame very little communication from chris at fulcrum , looked at all channels fb twitter and web site silence is not golden !

Yes very disappointing. As I saw someone post on the AVsim official support forum you can be late and have some issues but one thing you can never do is ignore your customers. I agree with this 100%. With pre-orders like this a regular update would keep us all in the loop. I think things have changed business wise and perhaps personal as well but the silence is having a damaging effect because this was an area that made Fulcrum stand out. The support was always so good. I’m not as doom and gloom as some and think we’ll get our orders but it’s tainted my feelings about a company I previously couldn’t say a bad word against. We all make mistakes so let’s see how they recover it.

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I had an experience with them when I was interested in a Yoke. Communication was horrible. I didn’t go ahead with a purchase as a result.

You must of got the recent experience. Before this the communication was brilliant. I have the yoke it’s fantastic and the experience and communication very good too. Something has changed more recently. They need to get back to how they were before otherwise I can’t see them getting anywhere. Let’s hope it’s just a bad patch.

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Absolutely love my yoke excellent pice of kit, as i said awaiting my throttle £400 + invested in it , i too believe it will happen and chris use to be spot on with responses to email etc , keep the customer happy the product speaks for its self .

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Really concerned now that I’ve lost serious money on this. It’s gone from one of the best customer service experiences to non existent. Literally will not reply to multiple requests for information via email and official support fiorum. I think it’s gone. Just posting so no one else gets caught. I’m seriously dissapointed because I’m stuck for a solution again. Will never pre-order again because of this experience. Be warned.

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Just purchased a replacement throttle on ebay as £400+ lost on this , was so happy with my yoke fab quality , i was so looking forward to Similar quality throttle , so sucked it up and moved on , should chris come good ( i still have hope ) can ebay my hopefully temp throttle ! Only orderd in November 22🫣

Received an email from Chris at Fulcrum. Sharing for all.

Dear Customer

Thank you for previously supporting me with Fulcrum. This isn’t an easy email to write even though I am excited about being able to share some good news with you. It is actually really intimidating to publicly post things when you have faced public criticism and abuse after messing up as badly as I did with Fulcrum. Initially I just wanted to hide away from everything. This post will also be made on the AVSIM forum.

As you know from my previous email, Fulcrum Simulator Controls ran into difficulty and ceased trading. In that email I went through some of the reasons why the company went down and left us all out of work and left some customers with outstanding orders.

One of the complaints I have seen is that I am a crook and ran the company into the ground knowing it was going down. This is simply not true. At the time that orders were being taken, we were expecting a start up company assistance loan from the Government to help with costs etc that we had faced and to allow us to jump to higher production throughput. At the time this was applied for things were going well. 6 months later we were still waiting for this. I did close new orders and issued some refunds that were placed at the end. I did not take peoples money and run. However, I know that many people were angry and felt cheated or scammed.

During all this there were things outside of the company to deal with and that were of a personal nature and made life very difficult, including facing the criticism here. No excuses for that but sometimes life is what it is and things don’t always go as you wanted.

Now, as stated in the previous email to you, I aim to stand by outstanding orders, even though Fulcrum was a limited company, and I could walk away from it. It would not be right to do anything else as I am a longstanding member of the flight sim community and not just a faceless company in China.

I also don’t want to walk away because I believe in my designs, my principles in delivering what I promised and the tens of thousands of pounds of my own money I started the company with. That investment in product design, development and knowledge allows me to start production and deliver the same quality and future products.

The way this will work is this. I am currently working another job to pay my wages. I will not be taking wagers from Fulcrum until it is built back up.

Throttles are being produced first. This is because there are some parts already available to me. Orders have been placed for the remaining parts. Over the coming weeks throttles will be assembled and once ready, customers who ordered a throttle and were not able to claim a refund will have their orders fulfilled and remaining throttles will be available for purchase via the website.

This is not an ideal approach and involves even more long waits. I understand the frustration in that but there is no alternative. I do not have a large cash pool I can issue refunds from, All I have is the ability to work and build up what is needed to start producing again.

For clarity, all profits from sales will be going back into buying more parts to produce more products. This means that customers who lost out will get their order eventually and there will be off the shelf Fulcrum products for new customers. I will not be taking a wage from Fulcrum until this point is reached and everything owed is repaid.

I hope this shows that I am trying to do the right thing and Fulcrum will be run in a customer focused way.

There will be changes to the forum to clean up a lot of ‘where are you?’ threads. User to user support threads may get edited and moved around to make it less of a mess. I will not be deleting any threads – even those that make me feel bad. I will move them into an archive folder, but I do not wish to delete history.

Thanks again for the hundreds of messages and emails of support, it is quite honestly staggering to me.



w: www.fulcrumsim.com

Well even though things looked down and out for the Fulcrum brand it seems it’s on the road to recovery. I’ve not posted until now but I’ve had a few communications now and it looks very much like we are getting close to me actually getting my throttle. Over a year later than expected but finally getting close I’m told for those who still have an active pre-order. I’ll truly believe it when I finally see it but it’s looking like a good news story in the end. Will post again if and when it arrives.


Well I said I’d post back here when my Throttle arrived. I’m jumping the gun a little as it’s not here yet. But it’s the closest it’s ever been. Photos are of one of the first units being tried in its shipping box. Waited so long for this. Patience really is a virtue.

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would be great if Fulcrum pulls through. Even though MSFS was such a huge boost for the civilian flightsim market there are still shockingly few good and affordable products.

I’m absolutely amazed that Logitech has totally ignored the market for decades now and still sell those ■■■■■■ old yoke and pedals (the panels are still quite good I think). I also have their old trim wheel. If they’d put that back into production they probably could have made good money with it. I paid over 100 bucks for mine used, two years ago because there’s no alternative on the market

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