Cockpit instruments are too hard to read for some people. A full HUD would be a nice enhancement. Currently it is already available in external view mode, but missing from the cockpit view mode.
I imagine it is a very quick fix to add the full HUD option to the list for cockpit view mode.
If you also think the instruments are tricky to read and if this gives you a bad flying experience, kindly upvote. Thank you!
Have you tried turning on the partial cockpit HUD view in the settings? This gives you some key info and is very helpful.
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If you do want the partial Cockpit HUD for now:
From the Welcome screen:
Options > Assistance Options > User Experience > Instrument heads Up Display > Cockpit Cam > Minimal
And then you will have Airspeed, Engine, Fuel, AOA, Flaps, Trim, Altitude, VS, and a compass:
This is what he means ( i think)
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That’s good, but the are referring to the readout similar to what Jayne posted, but when external it shows you a bit more like trim settings, and from memory your angle of attack etc.
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I am referring to the built-in one already existing for external view. It is only partially available in the cockpit view
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Thank you for the response. This is what I am currently using, and looking forward to seeing the full version for cockpit view
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