I mainly use two monitors.
When I want to do stuff on the desktop I have to change from full-screen to windowed.
A full-screen windowed mode would be pretty handy.
I mainly use two monitors.
When I want to do stuff on the desktop I have to change from full-screen to windowed.
A full-screen windowed mode would be pretty handy.
If I understand the “request” correctly this is a standard Windows feature.
Either double click on the MSFS “window header” or you can use the mouse to re-size the window.
I have multiple monitors as well, running MSFS in full screen on my primary. No need to do anything to move mouse over to other monitors (or even alt-tabbing to bring other apps in front of the sim or reaching taskbar and tray)
Alt-Enter switches between windowed or full screen but I never have to use it
I’m actually using three monitors and I can switch between them seemlessly just by moving the cursor across the monitor borders. I’m also pretty sure I didn’t have to make any special settings.
To @DHAirbus @Simutilator and @judgedrebb
Maybe I put myself a little wrong.
I have no problem switching to the other monitor, the problem is getting to the desktop. If the FS2020 is running in full screen, I do not have the opportunity to get to the desktop. And when I look at other games, these also have the options for windowed, full screen and full screen windowed or also knows as Borderless windowed.
But thank you for trying to help!
So the Windows key doesn’t work? I can use Win+D or just Win to access taskbar and start menu just fine.
I know all these different settings in other games but they don’t really make sense anymore. Microsoft changed the handling of desktop windows so that games are basically just max sized windows. From what I understood, they basically wanted to get rid of what was called “fullscreen exclusive mode”.
Back in the days exclusive fullscreen was used a lot by many devs as they had more control over the screen and the related system ressources. Which could e. g. result in higher framerates compared to a borderless fullscreen window. The main downside was that switching between the game and the desktop could take some time which (for me and likely many others) was really annoying.
This changed when Microsoft introduced “Full Screen Optimizations” with Windows 10, which took some more versions of Windows 10 to be fully implemented / optimized in order to eliminate the main concern with borderless windows: less fps.
Long story short: fullscreen exclusive these days is usless in most cases when you’re on W10 and I can see why Microsoft has it this way in their showcase title.
If you can’t reach the desktop using the Windows key + D my assumption would be that there’s something wrong with your settings. You don’t have a “game mode” key or something similar on your keyboard? I have one and I accidentally press it at times which will deactivate the Windows key in order to prevent me to accidentally go to Windows during a match or something. It’s a pretty useless yet mildly annoying key.
Edit: more context about “fullscreen exclusive”: Demystifying Fullscreen Optimizations | DirectX Developer Blog (microsoft.com)
Does alt + enter do the trick for you?
Thank you for the more than detailed answer.
Win + D was a key combination that I didn’t know but which one does exactly what I need.
@Simutilator @Tjoeker
Alt + enter works also.
Thank you for the answers.
It sounds as though you got the answer you needed, so I have closed this topic. Please message me if I misunderstood. Thank you!