FWMY - Monkey Bay - Malawi (Freeware)

I enjoy flying there and it buggered me to have no parking spot for dark & cold.
So I went to work.
But then I found out I can place objects from the MSFS library as well.

Here’s what this adds to Monkey Bay in Malawi:

  • fueling station under a roof
  • GA parking spot
  • wind vane
  • cargo to be loaded to your Porter or Kodiak
  • flamengos in a bay
  • elephants further down the runway to the south
  • ships in harbour
  • some ships on the Lake Malawi



I truly enjoy your Art! Thank you!

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I tried this but dissapointed not to see any animals or birds. Do I need to install another object library or something?

The elephants are down the runway to the south a little further but easily overlooked as they don’T stick out much against the terrain in general…
The flamingos are in the bay as depicted. in MSFS because of object LOD you can only see them very close unfortunately.
Both are MSFS standard objects, nothing to install.
I will make a video on where they both are. The animals are just a gimmick though, I found them in the library and thought ‘why not’.

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here you can find the elephants

Ok, thanks for the info… I’ll try it again.

Version 1.5 was uploaded yesterday

Boris the Hippo was added (google it)
more elephants and elephants moved further out (see picture)
more flamingos
static aircraft and supplies
cargo worker
more ships in harbour
fuel tank behind fueling station
some boats in northern bay

The Elephant herd has moved