FWNK - Metangula is a bush strip located very beautifully on Lake Malawi (aka Lake Nysasa).
The airport is located in Mozambique on the eastern shore, but also bears the name of Malawi’s city Nkhotakota in Little Navmap and has an FW… icao code.
I have no idea what to make of all that geopolitical information, I am afraid.
Anyways, I added a parking spot for cold & dark and scenery objects to it to make it more usable and appealing.
- GA parking spot for dark & cold start
- fueling station under a roof
- flamengos in a bay
- windsock
- static aircraft and suppiles
- cars
- truck
- cargo
- a building
- docks ant two places with ships/boats
- ships around the location on the lake (like fishing boats and such)
Thank you for having an eye on this regions. Beautiful landscapes.
I have been there three weeks ago on my flight down river nile and the great rift down to Maputo and now arrived in cape town. Next way back to sierra leone to finish my africa roundtrip.
I hope africa and south america get some more notice in the future.
you’re welcome.
I mainly do it for myself after not finding a single (!!!) Malawi scenery. Love this region for flying ! So I started myself to make some.
Those are such great regions for VFR and bushflying, imo.
You will love the Cape Town region ! Stunningly beautiful.
I mostly fly in East and South Africa and South America. The Northern Andes in Venezuela, Kolumbia, Ecuador. wow…
I will come back for shure when I finished my TBM930 world trip ;-).
North America, South America and about 65% of Africa are already done, then I will do Madagascar over to Australia, New Sealand, Oceania and finally Asia and Japan and then back to my starting point in Frisco.
You may asking why Europe is left - ok, thats where I live and fly around in my spare time so it does’nt really count ;-).
My most exciting “discovery’s” in Africa so far are the “eye of africa” and the Mulanje Mountains in southern Malawi (…it was worth me to post this in “what did you do today…” last december). Never heard a single word about them before. I see some small airstrips there, inviting me for an bushtrip later.
But I also enjoy the Ethiopian highlands around lake Tana. Coming in from north west with working weather, out of the burned desert into 30 or 40 miles of amazing clouds, lightnings and thunder and then this beautiful plateau near Gonder, I was floored.
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