G1000, G3000: NAV radio does not automatically tune to the ILS or VOR frequency during approach loading/activation


Description of the issue:

When I activate approach with ILS in G1000, ILS frequency in MSFS2024 does not automatically load into NAV, see screenshot below. Under same procedure in MSFS2020 ILS frequency is automatically loaded.

If applicable, which aircraft is experiencing this issue:

Cessna 172 G1000


Every time I tried so far with different airports flying Cessna 172 G1000, XBOX X, MSFS2024


Please list clear steps you took in order to help our test team reproduce the same issue:

  1. Free Fly
  2. Press PROC on G1000, press “select approach” and select airport (ESSA in my example)
  3. Select ILS approach
  4. Select “Activate”


Please add a screenshot or video of the issue occurring.


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Also, in the Longitude, for an IFR/ILS flight,. approach
will not ARM.

Neither flight stick button or clicking the APPR button on the cockpit works.

The same problem with G3000, Daher TBM 930 aircraft and VOR approach: NAV radio does not automatically tune to the ILS or VOR frequency when you load/activate the approach.

In MSFS2020 loading approach in MFD behaves as expected, per G1000Nxi manual, p.4.3.: “… The MFD provides auto-tuning of NAV frequencies from waypoint and nearest pages. During enroute
navigation, the NAV frequency is entered automatically into the NAV standby frequency field. During approach
activation the NAV frequency is entered automatically into the NAV active frequency field.…”

One more autotune related problem: During VFR flight following radio may not auto tune

WT has stated that they have a fix for this on the next update.

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As described today in Patch #3 notes, bug is fixed.
I checked NAV radio auto tuning during VOR and ILS approach activation in Cessna 172 (G1000) and Daher TBM 930 (G3000) - works as expected in MSFS2024 with patch :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: