G1000 NXi reporting incorrect altitude to connected EFB moving map

Hi, I’ve noticed that when using the WT G1000 NXi the altitude reported to a connected EFB moving map (SkyDemon) is several thousand feet higher than the actual altitude shown on the PFD (see attached photos). The problem does not materialise when using the standard G1000.
Anyone else experiencing this?
Note: SkyDemon runs on an iPad connected via xMapsy 3.1.

Microsoft Store version
Not in Developer Mode
Didn’t experience this prior to SU6

Moved to #third-party-addon-discussion:tools-utilities since an external app is involved. Notably, the sim with G1000 NXi reports altitude correctly to an EFB with Moving Map like Little Nav Map, so it may be worth reporting this potential defect to Sky Demon’s authors.

Thanks for your response. Before making contact with SkyDemon, which from my experience, works flawlessly with other planes/ avionics, I’ll do some further testing and report further.

by any chance are your units set to metric on the nxi but us/imperial on the external unit? 2160 feet is 7086 meters. (I do see something labeled as ‘ft’ on the nxi but it’s suspicious on account of the barometer is in hPa.)

Thanks for the suggestion, I’ll have a look later and report back.

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Hi, did some extensive testing this afternoon. I can see the correlation between metres and feet, it’s as if SkyDemon takes the actual altitude in feet, reads that figure as metres hence the discrepancy shown in the original post!!
Varied the barometric settings in both the NXi and SkyDemon but this didn’t make a difference.
I used another EFB on the tablet, Airmate, the NXi accurately displayed altitude on that app!
However, using the standard G1000, G3000 and analogue avionics, SkyDemon displayed the correct altitude!
So clearly the problem lies in the communication between the NXi and SkyDemon but I can’t see a means to fix it.

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Weird! Could be something where it’s reading one value and writing it back, and NXi-specific code is handling the conversion wrong in a particular way that that EFB sees… make sure to report this to the Working Title folks, probably should put in a zendesk ticket too. :slight_smile:

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