G1000 speed reference settings

Hello everyone.
I noticed how on the G1000 is possible to set/read reference speeds (like vr v1 and v2). It’s pretty clear to me what they represent and how useful are as information. My question here is what’s the point in setting it in the G1000? Or is there a way withing the G1000 to have it able to calculate reference speed its own according to airplane model and payload or else?

Thankyou in advance for your kind reply

This is normally something the pilot calculates or looks up from a table in the Pilot Operating manual.

That makes sense and I’d do the same but what’s the point in setting it in the G1000?

it puts markers on your speed tape on the left of the G1000.

So say you’ve entered Vx (best vertical climb) as a reference at 84knts, it will show a mark on the speed tape at 84 knots, which will make it easier to keep it where you want it during climb.

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Thanks. That could be useful to have a quick look during take off. I didn’t notice those ones

Indeed. In game, if you don’t simulate extra pasengers, weight, etc and always take off with the same fuel load, settings, etc, it matters little. Once you get to know your plane, you always know what your default Vr, Vx, Vy and Vg speeds are.

That said, it’s nice to have a couple of them on the tape. Even if you know the values, it’s nice to be able to quickly glance and to see if you’re on a marker or not without having to read the tape. It’s a handy quick reference. I typically keep my Vr and Vg on there.

And here’s a tip: If you use the G1000 mod, once you set your REF speeds to show on your airspeed tape (setting them to ON in the REFS menu on your PFD), next time you’re in that plane, all you need to do is hit the REFS soft key, and it will add them back to your airspeed indicator. You won’t have to scroll in with the wheel and set them all to ON again. It’s a nice little time saving touch.