G2 VS Quest 2 after lastest update from oculus

Hi guys.

A week or two ago I was 100% convinced to upgrade my Rift S to the G2 as my VR is primarily used for seated simulation and mostly flight simming.

I have been happy with my Rift S… Decent performance and very simple to set up and to troubleshoot.

My current setup is with i9 - 9900K and the 2080ti card with hopes of getting a 3080 or 3090 when they get on the market again and the insane pricing goes down a bit.

Now after the lastes update v27 from oculus came out and Quest users and even owners of the G2 and the Q2 are raving about it almost being on par I started to have doubts… Is the G2 perhaps a step down all of the sudden? I will go some distance for crisp clear view and easy to read gauges in the sim, but will not spend 70 % of my time in the settings menu, watching how to vids and downloading one additional piece of software after another.

Anyone with the G2 that came from oculus who could share there experience in transitioning? Was/is it worth it? Or will it just be alot more work and $$ to get more or less the same result as you get with the Q2 or Rift s?

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Honestly keep the Rift S until the next round of Gen X headsets. There is no Nirvana just buyers remorse hard work and then satisfaction that you are roughly 5% better than you where three months ago. In those three months you’ll tweak away till your eyes bleed and probably spend more $$$ on the snakeoil fix that will get you no where. Rift S is a good headset dont let anyone tell you otherwise.


Yes G2 is worth the transition from Q2.
So I 've been meaning to do a extensive write up on this subject as I was in the same boat a month ago.
I was about to download v27 and try since the initial reviews looked promising, but then recently the comments suggested it was not a done deal on Quest2. yet. I will take another swing at Q2 and look to do a longer write up.

Quick story
Preordered G2 in September? waited till Dec 23 (day after the VR release) my order was still pending so canceled the order, walked into Bestbuy and bought Oculus Quest2.
For 2 months I fought to get Quest to work. I tried Every Single suggestion on this forum but nothing worked for more than one session. I can remember only 2 flights in 2 months with Quest that were enjoyable every other has been a stutter fest or blurry mess! I even put the sim down for a couple of weeks because it was unbearable, and I cant go back to pancake mode (that feels like a video game now)
Got the G2 a couple of weeks ago and have had mostly great flights on the same rig (i7 6700k + 3070) Sure the sweetspot is way smaller than the quest, BUT I don’t have flickers or jitters and my world is not melting around me.
With Quest 2 my day started with checking this forum for the latest trick to get Quest to work. and pretty much throughout the day checking and rechecking. I spent more time on this forum than in the sim. Not much flying. I had to create a freaking spreadsheet of all the settings (Oculus App + OTT + Sim) what actually worked kinda smoothly was using Virtual Desktop BUT the visuals were way turned down and blurry! I even bought a dedicated WIFI6 router but still the visuals were not better than link cable. I will add VD is great to share the VR Sim experience with someone else as they can walk around the plane etc.
You know what kinda annoyed me with all these Q2 and G2 compare videos on YT was how they dont tell you one way or the other. G2 is good and Q2 is good too. Now that I have it is kinda of true. Both headsets are great!
Sure G2 has its own issues, you can check out those threads, but I like G2 over Quest 2 for MSFS!
I read Rift S is better with the link cable than Q2 so you may want to hold off if you are satisfied.
was it worth the $$? well I am spending more time flying with G2 so for me it was worth it.
Good Luck

I will receive my Quest 2 over the weekend, i bought it because its half the price of the G2,
and with Next Gen Headsets coming i might go that path and then the Q2 can be used as stand alone downstairs

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Quest 2 here with link
I get a good experience by simply changing Hz to 30 for grnrss or or 18 for heavy dense city areas in tray tool

Visuals nice & sharp , 90hz in oculus setting , apparently 120hz option coming soon so will be worth a try

Was tempted to get a G2 to try but not sure if I can do with fiddling getting the best out of a 2nd headset

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