G3000? KingAir

So I had an issue with activating speed bugs or seeing vspeeds in general when flying the King Air. In the g1000 it’s under time/ref but I see nothing available in the king air systems. I tried diagnosing when I came across three questions.

Are the systems in the king Air a g3000 (it seems like a cross between the 1000 and 3000)?

Are the Vspeed settings somewhere within the King Air’s systems?

Will the Working Title update for the g3000 apply to the king Air?


King Air uses the G3X. Working Title have a mod for that one as well.

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Sorry you seem confident…Does the Caravan have the same G3X? Of topic a bit but I am using these aircraft for NeoFly purposes.

No, the caravan uses the G1000. (You can use the WT G1000 NXi mod in the marketplace if you don’t like the stock one.)

The real KA doesn’t even use Garmin at all. It uses the Collins Aerospace Pro Line Fusion Avionics Suite. Asobo cobbled in the Garmin screens as a compromise.


I would much rather see the more accurate Collins ProLine for the sake of realism. I’m still rather surprised they didn’t use the G3000 or 5000 though. You’d expect that since the mission of the King Air is typically commercial passenger transport that they’d have the fully-loaded Garmin in there vs the more budget-friendly G3X you typically find in small single engine private planes.

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Part of the challenge for the KA is that there is no space for the GTN touchpads - you would need at least two to properly implement the base G3000 (stock sim version).

It makes sense. It still feels odd though, having a G3X in a plane of this class. Even a G1000 would have made more sense. But in the end, I don’t care much for that plane and rarely fly it. So it’s an oddity that doesn’t really affect me.

I don’t think I am as knowledgable as you guys but I love it so far. It’s like the DA62’s older more beefy brother.

The avionics (indeed most of the plane) of the KingAir has been rushed and the ASOBO team didnt pay much attention to it. Its a shame because is a great plane to fly. It should be Collins, not Garmin, and the current implementation, including the WT is very poor for the King Air. Not to mention that most of the switches do not move at all or dont work.

I have managed to put some decency in the king Air adding the GTN 750 Mod. I hope somebody works in a good mod or Asobo decides that its time for the King Air to resuscitate.

Its a matter of priority… first of course is… air racing…. Jeeeeezzzz


lol well put…

I’m not against them adding this, but piling new features in when there are so many existing problems or other things that are incomplete or falling apart is kind of like actively refurnishing and redecorating your 1st class cabins while the ship is taking on water and slowly sinking.

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Please Colin from Milviz… Bring your KA over to MSFS… Best ever


(post deleted by author)

There is an STC out there to throw Garmin into a King Air, though I don’t know why you’d want to.

I’d say more than 9 out of 10 King Airs use ProLine. I’m trying to figure out why 1- King Air in sim uses Garmin, 2- even then, why most of the cockpit doesn’t even work.

I don’t know what is being simulated here. I know some people will say I’m being negative; hopefully others will see that I genuinely try to be helpful.

But releasing a B300 in this state was a decision that I can’t fathom.


It almost looks like they didn’t have time to finish it in time for launch, so basically threw together whatever they could and kicked it out the door…

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(post deleted by author)

Exactly what I did. But as you can see from my screenname, I truly miss the original steam gauge aeroworx B200 in FS2004. That’s where I learned instrument navigation using charts, VOR and NDB triangulation. Hours of fun and learned a rapidly diminishing skill. I have nothing against GPS but it’s kinda boring :grin:

Side note about the GTN750 mod- last night, with the latest PMS50 update. the Map screen of the gtn750 was causing a MAJOR frame rate hit. Like 38fps to 4 fps on approach. I tried everything until I noticed that when I switched to Flight plan (or anything other than the map) Frames jumped back to 30+. Another bug I guess with all these updates.

BTW : Flight 1 revived the old aeroworx B200 in FSX. They did a fabulous job too, but unfortunately discontinued the all steam gauge version and offered only the Collins glass instuments.

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