So the contents of the screens do pop-out? How? Sure the whole screen + bezel would be great, but I didn’t even know that the screens popped out…
Yes. Right Alt + click pops out the screen / instrument. You can see it in action with G1000 and Air Manager here. But it works equally well with a G3000 and all its screens. Or the GNS530/430 units too.
Looks interesting. On the forums, it says there is no bezel available for the G1000 in MSFS, but this guy is obviously using one. How about the G3000?
Note that there is small patch, the latest one is 0.6.1
Release g3000-v0.6.1 · Working-Title-MSFS-Mods/fspackages · GitHub
“This guy” is me. If you check out the video prior to this one, you’ll see I’m flying the steam gauge C172 using the GNS 530/430 through Air Manager as well.
There are MSFS-compatible bezels for G1000, G3000 (including the GTC 580 touch screen) and GNS 530 / 430. There’s even a full instrumentation setup built specifically for the Working Title CJ4. They’re just not as defaults in Air Manager nor through their store / community instruments. The G1000 that comes with Air Manager is X-Plane only.
These MSFS bezels have been built by 3rd parties are are available for free. Most are linked up here on this forum in the 3rd party section of the forum.
I’ll check out the forums thanks. Great video!
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