I noticed somewhere that Navigraph and the G1000 can interface, how about an update where the G3000 can do the same. That would be sweeeeet! … there’s a greyed out “charts” button on the MFD Home, how about a plug to make it work
Which plane? Using a mod?
Working Title has Navigraph integration for the Longitude.
They have Navigraph intergration in the CJ4, not the Longitude. The G1000 and 3000 mods can’t do that (yet).
Nope. Not at this point in time. Neither can the G3000.
Working Title just released an update with Navigraph Charts Integration for the G3000 that works in the TBM and Longitude.
- Added Navigraph charts integration. Use of this feature requires a paid Navigraph subscription.
Cool. I knew it was coming at some point in the near future. Didn’t know they have a working model of it already. And it was released a few hours ago. I’m going to have to try this out tomorrow.
Just seen a video on YouTube showing it in the TBM and it looks really interesting. Well worth investigation.
Yeah, I tried it out. Unfortunately, the G3000 kills my performance atm. There are a lot of people not seeing issues, but others are seeing a max of 10 fps while using it. I’m in that camp unfortunately.
But I did get to link it to my Navigraph account, and it works quite well! This is a welcome addition. Can’t wait for them to add it to the G1000 as well.
I can’t update it, says something about file name to long. I’ve tried everything and still won’t work
I did install WT G3000 V0.6.0.
Unfortunatly chart display in the TBM930 MFD screen is very difficult to read.
Even after zooming ( 27" Monitor)
Is there a way to enable moving maps with this? I can’t seem to figure it out. Am I’m just missing it?
have you tried the new 0.6.1 ?
You can look at them in full screen.
You can zoom in and out of the charts.
Do you mean like this ?
Under Chart options, hit the plan button and your position should appear on the chart.
VFR Map freeze mid-flight
Navigation way points on PFD xxxxx => YYYY freeze at same time
FPS not measured but visually they are much lower
Going back to previous version
Not sure how the heck I missed that. Thank you!
Does the bezel “pop out” like in other sims? If not that’s going to be on my feature wish list!
Bezels don’t pop out in MSFS. At all. Only the contents of the screens. If you use a program like Air Manager + a touch screen though, that opens up a whole other dimension of possibilities.
You can zoom in from the main cockpit view, but you can also use the lower right hand knob on the GTC 580 touch screen to zoom in and out of the charts on the screen.