G36 Improvement Project

Hey all,

Apologies for being a bit quiet on here recently, lots of IRL stuff as usual and have been hanging around on Discord a little more.

For those of you who aren’t members on Discord, I thought it would be good to give you a quick update of recent development.

Recently @bagolu has doubled the development team (there are now 2 of us!), and he has been a legend working on the 3d model, fixing a few things and adding features for our next release!

Now that we have breakers modelled, I can start modelling the electrical system in a lot more detail! What started as a small tweak to our existing system very quickly turned into a complete rewrite! I’ve started at the very beginning modelling the busses and bus tie system completely so you’ll need to keep an eye on those voltages if you don’t want to pop a breaker!

No planned release date as yet, but I’ll aim to keep you all updated on our progress! If any IRL pilots have a better POH than the one found on the internet (or know where I could buy one) I would be really grateful!

Fair winds
