G36 Improvement Project

I can’t get the engine diagnostics to work at all here. I have the working title G1000 mod (3.1) installed and loaded ahead. I have removed the C152X, any carbon cub mods, and the TB930 mods.

My MP is NaN, RPM always reads 0, and none of the pointers for FFlow CHT, oil temp do anything. The pages for Engine lean and system don’t work.

What could be the cause here?

There are still pilots today who feel that running RoP is still the better way to go. They’d rather use more fuel, some of which doesn’t burn, and provides extra cooling to the cylinders, instead of running lean of peak. To be fair, before CHT probes, most piston singles had only one CHT probe if you were lucky, so you never knew where LoP really was.

I noticed this issue too. I have contacted the WT team and will raise an issue for it. For now use the 0.3 version of the G1000 mod.

Same here, it’s the 3.1 pre update they released. I went back to 3.0 and all is well.

Thanks! Serves me right for using a pre-release. Given the change log for that, it didn’t seem like it would affect anything.

The mod modifies files that this G36 and other mods change as well, which is why we have a dependency here. So now and in future it’s best to use only tested combinations of these mods if you don’t want to run into expectable issues.

V0.3.1 of the G1000 mod additionally restructured its files which makes the conflict you experience even more likely.

I’m not sure if I’m doing something wrong or misunderstanding something with the mixture, related to this guide: [HOW-TO] Best Practices to Fly Bonanza G36

When cruising, (below 6000ft in this example), I follow the recommendations, leaving my throttle full, and prop 2500. My assumption now is that I adjust lean until it reads 15gph, however adjusting lean does not impact my gph reading in any way. What I’m currently doing to bring gph & KIAS to recommended levels is to adjust MP (which goes against the recommended FULL setting).

Am I missing something here?

Do you have automixture enabled?

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Not that I am aware of - if you need to manually enable that each flight then no, it wasn’t enabled. I have set optimal mixture assigned to a button, but when I’ve tried that in the past I didn’t notice anything happen (eg the mixture lever doesn’t move / don’t notice anything else change). Don’t know if that’s expected or not.

EDIT: Ohh I see - Assistance / Aircraft Systems / Automixture - doh - that fixed it - thank you!

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I just flew the G36 for the first time since version 0.5 of the mod was released (I haven’t been downloading the dev version, so I was using 0.4 until now). WOW! The new version is excellent! Thanks so much to everyone who has worked on this. I especially appreciate the complete set of checklists and the new engine page in the G1000. Everything works for me – no problems to report. I’m going to be spending a lot more time with this plane in the near future. Thank you again. Fantastic work.

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What is the link to the latest mod?

It is in the first post on this discussion thread. The latest stable version is 0.5

Thanks. Maybe I was confused as it says v3?

That’s the G1000 mod that is required as well

Thanks for the reports of issues with the pre-release and the engine pages. I’m having a look now to see if I can figure out what’s going on.

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OK, that was an easy enough fix. We restructured things a bit in 0.3.1 and I overlooked one reference to a file I had to change. -pre2 should take care of that. You can install this directly on top of -pre1, there’s no need to delete the old directory.

Sorry for the trouble!



I’ll try this in a bit, too. Is the G3X separated back out into its own mod like it looks like from the BLL page? Thanks for all your work! :small_airplane: :smiley_cat:

Yep, the G3X is its own mod, and it’s experimental at this point and only tested on the XCub. If nothing else, I need to hide the automatic pitot heat behind a feature flag in panel.xml or it’s going to apply to every plane that uses it.

Even when it’s complete, though, it’ll be a standalone package that’s fully compatible with the G1000, and any other Working Title work.


OK, thanks. I still had the combined G1000-G3X one, plus the separate gx-alpha yesterday and had 2 ~5-sec freezes during a 2-hr flight in the XCub, so I bet it was down to having both? I just updated with the separate one you just put instead of the combined, and I’ll do another flight today. :small_airplane: :smiley_cat:

Yeah, you’re not going to want to have both of those installed. The latest XCub performance mod (1.5, I think) plus GX alpha2 replaces the joint mod that they did and will work fine with this version (but not earlier versions) of the G1000.

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