Id like to get, if and when available, a “study level” GA complex piston twin. I was waiting for the A2A Aerostar 600, but it has been delayed indefinitely.
This is public knowledge but I had to land our Aerostar on it’s belly last year (gear would not extend) and have since been parting out the airplane as a result. This isn’t to say an AccuSim Aerostar won’t happen, but it has changed our trajectory back to single engine airplanes at the moment.
Is there anything on the horizon for GA complex piston twins?
I have the Carenado Piper Piper PA-44 but I’m looking for something higher performance and more in depth. I have been very disappointed in both Carenado’s and MSFS Marketplace update cadence so buying another Carenado not an option.
In lieu of the A2A Aerostar 600 delay, I’ve been looking forward to the Cessna 310R being developed by Milviz. I don’t know exactly how study level it will be (hopefully very) or when it’s likely to come out:
Yep. The 310R is top of my current wishlist, followed by the Twotter. About time we heard something more. Keep watching for updates as it is hopefully soonish.
On the 310r the idea was safety. In any accident, the tanks were supposed to rip off the wing, napalm fashion and thus decrease any fire risk to the crew. This led to a very entertaining fuel system and we no doubt will see that. Later marks of the 310R had an option for supplementary tanks, but getting your head around the fuel system was quite something, by all accounts.
Can anyone recommend any good complex twin GA? So far I have been flying default DA62 and Baron with improvement mods and both have been great however they are not that complex (with regards to systems/flight dynamics/engine management etc). I am looking for something similar to what A2A simulations did back in the day for P3D and FSX. So far I am interested in milviz’s C310 or flysimware’s C414.
Can anyone recommend any good complex twin GA? So far I have been flying default DA62 and Baron with improvement mods and both have been great however they are not that complex (with regards to systems/flight dynamics/engine management etc). I am looking for something similar to what A2A simulations did back in the day for P3D and FSX. So far I am interested in milviz’s C310 or flysimware’s C414.
The Blacksquare Baron is much more complex, although the out of the box FM is a bit rubbish as it’s pretty much the default one. All of them are valid choices & they all have pluses & minuses, you’ll probably be as happy with one as any of the others. Blacksquare have it on systems depth at the moment, I think - they use a stock external model, so no playing around with doors & compartments if that matters. The 414 didn’t have wear & anything more than engine failures last time I used it.
The Blacksquare King Air is just about within consideration also.
Thanks guys for the feedback - I took a plunge and ended up getting C310 after all. It looks great and flies great. There is service based element to it which yet I am to discover.
Thanks - I currently have installed Baron improvement mod which works great with working title G1000 and so far I am happy with. Although steam gauges do sound great!
Thanks - I had a look at blacksquare’s baron and it has good option with steam gauges. However I already fly default baron with improvement mod which works great with working title G1000, perfect for IFR flights however have also flown few VFRs as well. I was looking for something different - C414 was also great option although I ended up getting C310 from Milviz or blackbird simulations I think it is called. So far it is great and it is joy to hand fly.